Eliza Schyler- Hamiltime

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I saw two ways to take this prompt, but in the end the request was for it to be full of fluff, sorry it's a little short, I hope you enjoy!
Request for ameuana_aphasia
34: "Do you think it's possible that I...might be... pregnant?"
You woke up to hear Eliza rushing into the bathroom. You quickly followed to see her throwing up everything from the day before.

"Dear, are you alright?" You asked while walking up her.

"I'm ok, sorry to have woken you," she answered while rinsing out her mouth.

"Don't be sorry! Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, it's probably nothing," she said while walking back into your bedroom. You slowly climbed back into bed, Eliza curling up behind you. "Babe."

"Yeah Liza?"

"Do you think it's possible that I...might be... pregnant?" You rolled over to look at Eliza with tears in your eyes.

"Did you cheat on me?"

"What, no! I would never! Where did you get that idea?" Eliza exclaimed.

"How else would you have any chance of being pregnant. A woman can't get a woman pregnant," you explained. Eliza immediately started laughing.

"Oh dear, I honestly forgot that for a moment. I don't think I'm pregnant. Must have just been something I ate."

"Alright you goof, now that you gave me a little heart attack let's go back to sleep," you said while pulling Eliza into your arms.

"That sounds like a great plan," she replied while snuggling closer to you. You signed and kissed her head, laughing again at her mix up before the two of you drifted off to sleep.

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