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Thank you all for 5K reads! I hope you all like this one! I'm sorry if any of the french is wrong, I'm taking french classes but sometimes autocorrect is against me.

"Bonjour mon ange," you heard Lafayette call out as you walked into the apartment the two of you shared.

"Not today," you said back before laying down on the couch with your head buried in a pillow. Your day had been terrible. Everything went wrong.

Someone had spilled coffee on you at the coffee shop this morning, and your coworker friend had "borrowed" the extra shirt that you kept in your desk a few days ago without telling you, so you had nothing to change into. You accidentally got the wrong assignment this morning and worked on it for hours before being told so, and you had to just trash it and rush through your actual work for the day. As if it could end get any worse, you missed the bus you usually take home, and the next one wasn't for a few hours so you had to walk home for a whole 45 minutes in the cold.

"What happened mon amour?" Lafayette asked while walking into the room.

"Don't," you told him sternly.

"What did I do?" He asked, sounding adorably confused.

"Just don't do it," you replied.

"I'm confused mon ange, what should I not do?" He asked you sweetly while waking up and sitting in the ground beside you.

"Don't do that,' you wined.

"(Y/n)? Look at me please, I want to know what's wrong mon amour," Lafayette told you with a smile while lifting your head towards him.

"You made me smile," you finally said after looking up at Lafayette. One look at his dazzling smile and you couldn't help but smile back.

"And that is a bad thing?" He asked very confused.


"Pourquoi mon ange? Je ne comprend pas." He replied, looked at you with some concern.

"Because I've had a bad day, and I didn't want to smile," you explained.

"Oh, but don't you want to smile after a long day?"

"Not really, I just want to mope because of my bad day," you told him before curling up more on he couch.

"Here, I have a plan mon ange. You should get up and shower and put on pajamas, I'll let you wear your favorite sweatshirt and pajama pants of mine. I'll order your favorite take out and then we can eat and watch movies and cuddle until bed, sound good?" Lafayette offered.

"That sounds amazing," you replied with a smile while siting up on the couch.

"Great, lets go find those pajamas for you and get you in the nice warm shower so I can go order food," Lafayette said while helping you up.

"How did I get so lucky as to have you?" You asked while a big smile.

"Oh no mon ange, you have it backwards. I'm lucky for having you!"

"I think I'm the lucky one," you insisted.

"Maybe we are both the lucky ones," Lafayette suggested. You smiled and nodded.

"I like that idea," you agreed before hugging Lafayette tight.  "I love you."

"Je t'aime aussi mon ange," Lafayette replied while kissing your forehead. The two of you stood there for a minute before Lafayette ushered you to the bathroom to shower while searching for your favorite clothes of his. You laughed at his frantic nature as he searched all over for the clothes. You were lucky to have such an amazing man in your life.

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