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Hi everyone! I'm finally out of school for the summer ! Yay! I have a new job and lots of traveling so my schedules still pretty packed, but I should be able to write more regularly. Thank you for all of your reads, votes, and comments. I am amazed by the positive response to this book!

Request by liv_is_annoying
18:"Come over here and make me."
"(Y/n), I'm home," you heard your boyfriend Lafayette call from the doorway.

"Hi hun!" You yelled back, too focused on the paper you were typing to pay much attention to him. The essay was going to be 30% of your English grade and it had to be good.

"What are you working on?" Laff called from the kitchen. You finally looked up for a moment and realized he had bought groceries and was making dinner.

"My English paper," you answered.

"Still, you've been working on it for days babe. Why don't you take a break?" Laff suggested. As great as a break sounded this paper is too important for you to slack off on and write the night before.

"I can't, it's too important for my grade. It needs to be an outstanding paper!" You told him before focusing back on your work. After what barely felt like 5 minutes, but was actually closer to 30, your laptop was pulled off of your lap.

"Time to take a break," Lafayette said, walking away with your laptop.

"Bring that back, I have to work on my paper!" You yelled at him before getting up to chase him. You didn't make it far considering both of your feet had fallen asleep since you hadn't moved in several hours.

"Nope, you're going to eat dinner while watching a movie with me. Then we are going to bed. You can work on the paper tomorrow," Ladd insisted.

"But it's such a big portion of my grade, I really need to be working on it. I can't slack off on this paper, it's not an option, I need to get a great grade in this English course or-"

"Oh shut up about how important the paper is already!" Laff said, tired of hearing the same things about your paper that you've been saying for days.

"Come over here and make me," you spat, clearly challenging your boyfriend. You were too upset to calmly listen to him at this point.

"Oh mon ange you should not try to challenge me," Lafayette said while walking towards you. He smiled widely before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you in for a kiss. You melted into the kiss, you always did melt a little when kissing Lafayette. After a minute Laff pulled back slowly. "Ready for dinner with a movie and lots of cuddling?"

"I'm not sure, I'm still kinda mad you told me to shut up," you joked, struggling to keep a straight face.

"I guess I'll just have to keep shutting you up then huh?" Laff joked back before kissing you again. You smiled into the kiss at your dork of a boyfriend.

"Let's go now mon ange, dinner awaits," Lafayette said before grabbing your hand and leading you into the kitchen. He had made your favorite dinner. You smiled at the thoughtful guy you were lucky to be dating and pulled him in for another kiss.

"Thank you," you told him before grabbing a plate and loading it with food. You walked back into the living room with Laff close behind and sat down before going on Netflix and choosing a movie.

"This one again?" Laff asked quietly when seeing the intro to your favorite movie, which you had already made him watch many times.

"Oh shut up," you told him with a laugh.

"Make me," he dared, so you leaned over and kissed him once again.

"Oh how the tables have turned," you joked after pulling away from Laff and starting to eat the amazing dinner he had made. Laff just chuckled at you before starting to eat his dinner as well.

You had just finished eating when you finally realized how much you needed this break from your English paper. No good writing would come out of your exhausted state right now any way. You grabbed a blanket and cuddled up next to Lafayette. He smiled at you and put his arm around you, and soon you were falling asleep, happily in the arms of your amazing boyfriend.

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