Aaron Burr-Hamiltime

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Who'd have thought the Burr one shot would end up being almost pure fluff?

You were in love with Aaron Burr, no questions about it. You had come to the American camp as a spy, but fell hard for the clever soldier. You were deathly afraid of the British forces finding out, and wanted to live happily with Aaron. One night, where you were meant to leave for the British camp the next day, you decided to tell Aaron everything.

"I haven't been telling you the full truth Aaron," you admitted.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking frightened.

"I am in love with you, but I'm not at this camp because I came to visit my brother, I'm a British spy. My brother is dead, he was a spy for the British too and killed by a British officer after he tried to switch sides. I don't want to be on their side Aaron, please don't hate me!" You said quickly while tears started to flow down your cheeks.

"Shh, it's ok (y/n), I love you too, no matter what," he reassured while pulling you into a hug. "Why don't we go talk to Washington about this." You took a deep breath and held onto Aaron tightly while trying to calm down, it took a while for you to stop crying.

"We will get through this," Burr promised before kissing your forehead gently. The two of you started walking to Washington's tent, despite it being fairly late, and Aaron knocked on one of the wooden posts supporting the tent. A moment later the general walked up to entrance of the tent.

"Hello Burr, how could I help you at this time of night?" He asked, sounding tired.

"May we talk in your tent, sir, it's a personal matter," Aaron explained. Washington agreed and ushered the both of you into the tent. Aaron quickly started explaining your situation, sounding much more eloquent than you did.

"So you really don't want to spy for the British?" Washington asked, looking skeptical.

"No sir, I do not agree with the ways of the British soldiers or the monarchy," you told him honestly.

"I do believe you are telling the truth, and we will allow you to stay and give you protection, given that you agree to my terms."

"Of course sir!" You replied.

"You must always be accompanied by someone while walking around camp, I would like you to stay in living quarters with someone, and I want someone to check any letters you wish to send before they are sent," Washington explained.

"I can definitely follow all of those, thank you so much sir," you said with a smile.

"Tomorrow you can figure out living arrangement, for tonight just go to your usual quarters and sleep, it's late," Washington said, ending the discussion. Both you and Aaron thanked him again before leaving.

"(Y/n), I have a question for you," Burr said while the two of you were walking back towards your tents.


"Can I court you? I know that seems late because we've already professed our love for each other but, I really do want to court you officially," Aaron said, he sounded surprisingly flustered compared to his usual eloquence.

"I would love that Aaron," you told him.

"Then I have a proposition for you, since we have already covered the fact that we are farther along in our relationship that's usual, why don't you live with me? That way the general will be more content with your staying here."

"I would like that," you admitted with a smile.

"Good, we can move your things over in he morning, it's a good thing I've been living alone," Aaron said with a chuckle. Soon the two of you were back to your new home for during the war. Each of you soon were in your beds on opposite sides of the room.

"I love you Aaron."

"I love you too."

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