Samuel Seburry Part 1-Hamiltime

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You watched as a man talked about the monarchy and what should be done in the war. Soon you noticed your friend Alexander start to fight with him, Alexander would fight anyone and everyone who's opinion differed form his.

"Would someone please stop him?" You asked your other friends, you were dreadful at breaking up fights.

Aaron was able to help break up the fight, and you watched the other man walk away looking simultaneously angry and defeated.

"Hey, wait up, please," You called while running after him.

"Why, come to fight with me too?"

"No, I just want to see if you were ok, I know Alexander can be intense and insensitive sometimes. I'm (y/n) (l/n) but the way," you explained with a smile.

"I'm Samuel Seburry, but I'm sure you know that,"

"That I do know, what I don't know is if you're ok," you responded.

"I'm alright, can't expect everyone to agree with the stuff I read."

"You say it like you don't believe it."

"I do believe it, I just also question it sometimes. I never really look at the other side," Samuel explained.

"If you'd really like we could talk about it," you offered.

"I would like that some time, I just don't think I could today. I'll write to you?" He asked you with a smile.

"I would like that," you replied with a smile. Shortly after you watched Samuel walk away, happily knowing he would write to you.
It was a few months later when you next saw Samuel, and it was under very different circumstances. Sam had started to question his loyalist ideals when the two of you had started writing letters to each other about each side.

Alexander and the rest of your friends wanted to meet the guy who had been writing you letters but you were concerned for the encounter. Samuel was starting to come to your side of issues, but how would your friends view him.

Eventually you invited Samuel to meet you and your friends out at a bar. Samuel walked in and instantly Alexander saw him.

"Well if it isn't the king lover Seburry, come to fight me again?" Alex asked cockily.

"No, that was not my intention," Seburry admitted.

"What was your intention then? Not many of your type come here."

"I came to see (y/n)," Samuel said.

"You're the one (y/n)'s been writing too?" Laurens asked.

"Yes he is, so please be nice. Maybe if you listen to him you'll agree with some of the things that come out of his mouth," you said before walking up to Samuel. "Don't mind them, they can be overly bold sometimes."

"I understand, maybe some time they'll listen to me, until then, you listen," Samuel said with a smile.

"They will, especially since I'll make them," you replied with a laugh before leading Sam to the table filled with your friends.

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