John Laurens-Modern

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You groaned while rolling over in bed to turn off your alarm. Today you were meant to go meet your parents for lunch and go shopping with your friends in the afternoon, but you felt terrible.

You had a headache and a stuffy nose, and overall just felt blah. You quickly decided the day was not worth it and curled back up in bed before grabbing your phone and calling your parents. They were fully understanding and told you to feel better soon.

Your friends were a little more upset, they were all looking forward to seeing you as school and work had kept you from going out much lately, but they quickly got over it and sent you back to bed with well wishes.

As soon as you were done cancelling plans you fell asleep. It was just about an hour later when you woke up to your phone ringing.

"Hello?" You asked quietly into the phone, too tired to look at who it was.

"Hey, are you alright? You haven't even answering my texts, and you didn't Snapchat me this morning like you always do," you heard the concerned voice of your boyfriend John Laurens say.

"I'm alright babe, I'm just not feeling well," you explained.

"I'm coming over to take care of you," John told you immediately.

"That's really unnecessary, I'm fine," you insisted.

"Too bad, I'm coming, I have a key remember. I'll be there soon," he told you before hanging up quickly, knowing you would just keep arguing with him.

You slowly got up and went into your kitchen and get some water and medicine before sitting down on your couch under a blanket. You watched some tv for a little while before the door to your apartment opened.

"Hey, how are you feeling (y/n)?" John asked while walking in and putting some bags down on your kitchen table.

"I've been better," you responded with a smile.

"I'm sorry babe, but I brought you food from your favorite restaurant, your favorite movie, and I brought you the sweatshirt of mine you always steal when you're cold," John said while unpacking the stuff from the bags he was holding. You noticed he also had his pajamas with him and figured he planned to stay with you to make sure you got sleep that night.

John brought the two of you the food and you each ate while watching the movie he had with as well. By the end of the movie you were happily full from lunch and almost falling asleep, wrapped up in Johns hoodie.

"Hey (y/n), why don't we go take a nap?" John asked while walking over to help you up. He lead you to your bedroom before climbing in bed with you and wrapping his arms around you.

"John no you'll get sick," you told him while trying to move to the other side of the bed.

"I'll be fine, just cuddle me," he told you. You rolled your eyes but snuggled up to John and quickly fell asleep regardless.

The rest of the day was filled with napping, food, and  cuddling, all while watching some of your favorite movies. John did decide to spend the night, and the two of you fell asleep cuddling again.

As you woke up the next morning you smiled brightly. Your headache was way less than yesterday and you could breath out of your nose again. It seemed like the medicine had really helped.

"Hey John, good morning," you said with a smile while slowly waking up your boyfriend.

"What?" He muttered while sitting up slowly. "Oh man," he whispered to himself before laying back down.

"Are you alright?" You asked him.

"No, I feel terrible," be admitted.

"I told you I would end up getting you sick," you said, feeling both annoyed and guilty.

"Now you get to take care of me," john told you with a small laugh. He proceeded to pull you closer to him to cuddle and fall asleep again. You laughed at your crazy boyfriend but went right back to sleep with him.

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