Lafayette- Modern

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This one is in honor of the fact that I just got back from a trip to France! How could I resist writing about Lafayette when I visited his home country?

You smiled brightly while looking out the huge window of your hotel room to the street below. You couldn't believe you were really overlooking a street in Paris.

"Mon amour? Ready to go?" Lafayette asked while walking up behind you.

"Of course, lets go!" You exclaimed with a bright smile. How perfect was it that your boyfriend could be your very own tour guide? Your exhaustion from the 8 hour flight didn't phase you as you rode the elevator down to the hotel lobby, before nearly racing out the front door of the hotel.

"Slow down mon amour, Paris is not going to run away," Lafayette told you with a laugh before reaching out for your hand. Walking beside you holding your hand Laf forced you to slow down and take in your surroundings more.

As the two of you walked down the street Laf pointed out the most note worthy buildings you were passing by.

Soon the two of you were in front of the Notre Dame cathedral. You excitedly took pictures before pulling Laf into the line to go inside. The two of you talked and goofed off in the fairly fast paced line before being able to go in. Once in the cathedral the two of you split up, being quiet while walking through was requested as a sign of respect.

You walked slowly, marveling at all of the stained glass windows. Once you had walked around the whole cathedral you found Laf waiting for you by the exit.

"Where to next?"

"Dinner," Laf replied excitedly before grabbing your hand and leading you to a small restaurant a few blocks away. He smiled before translating things in the menus for you, helping you pick something he knew you would like.

After dinner the effects of all the traveling and walking were finally hitting you, and you were ready to just head back to the hotel to shower and sleep.

"Are we going to the hotel?" You asked through a yawn.

"Soon mon amour, one stop to make first," Laf explained before taking your hand once again and leading you toward a near by bridge. The two of you walked down a flight of stairs to the path near the river that went under the bridge.

Laf lead you down the path under the bridge before stopping suddenly and turning to kiss you. You jumped slightly in surprise but kissed him back happily nevertheless.

"What was that for?" You asked with a laugh after he pulled away.

"Legend says if you kiss under this bridge you'll get married one day," Laf told with a bright smile, making you blush.

"I like that legend."

"I do too."

With that the two of you started heading back to your hotel, Laf lead the way, finding the shortest route to get back seeing how tired you were. As soon as the two of you got back to the hotel you went to your room and showered and got ready for bed.

"Seems like the travel did really tire you out mon amour," Lafayette said while watching you slowly walk over and get into bed beside him.

"I'm very tired, but happy. You're a great tour guide Laf," you said quietly before cuddling up to him to go to sleep.

"I'm so happy I get to show you around the country I call home," Laf replied before kissing your forehead and wrapping his arms around you, ready to sleep as well.

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