Angelica Schyler-Hamiltime

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You were walking downtown when you saw a group of three girls talking with Aaron Burr. Your father had been friends with Aaron's, but you never particularly liked Aaron.

"Burr you disgust me," one of the girls said.

"Agreed," you muttered under your breath, causing the seemingly youngest girl to giggle slightly. You watched with a smile as the first girl threw down with Aaron Burr.

Soon Burr gave up and walked away, much to your satisfaction, it was amazing to see a woman show him up.

"Do you dislike Aaron Burr too?" The youngest girl asked.

"I always have," you admitted with a nod.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Angelica Schuyler, and these are my sisters, Eliza and Peggy" the girl who had been talking to Aaron said.

"It's nice to meet you as well, I'm (y/n) (l/n), I think it's great how you dissed Burr over there," you replied.

"He needs to be knocked down a little every once in a while," Angelica said with a proud smile.

"He needs that all the time, he's been quite arrogant since we were kids," you explained.

"You've known him that long?" The third sister, Eliza, asked, speaking for the first time.

"Our fathers have known each other for years so I've had he pleasure of growing up knowing Aaron," you told her full of sarcasm.

"I'm sorry you've had to deal with him for so long, but you must have some great gossip," the youngest sister, Peggy, said with a bright smile.

"That's true," you replied with a small smile.

"Maybe we could talk about it some time," Angelica offered.

"I would like that," you replied with a smile, knowing you would love to talk to the bold woman any day.

"Why don't you come to our home for dinner next week, I'm sure father would be excited for us to have company. The house has been so quiet lately," Eliza suggested.

"I would love to."

"It's settled then, I'll write to you about the details?" Angelica offered.

"Sounds perfect," you told her before telling her your address.

"I'll write to you soon," Angelica promised as the sisters walked away.

"I'll be waiting," you replied with a smile. You couldn't wait to talk to her again.

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