Hercules Mulligan-Modern

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"I am so excited!" Your best friend yelled as the two of you walked down the street.

"I know, I can't believe you're getting married!" You said, before frowning a bit to yourself. You haven't dated anyone in over a year and your best friend was marrying the guy of her dreams she had dated for 4 years.

"I can't wait to see my dress, the tailor is amazing. He showed me the design when he took my measurements, it's gorgeous!" She cheered as the two of you approached the shop. Today your best friend had her final fitting for her wedding dress and you and the other bridesmaids were trying in your dresses so any necessary alterations could be made.

"Hello ladies," the friendly woman at the front desk said. You waited until the rest of the bridesmaids showed up before he receptionist lead you to the dressing rooms where your dresses were so you could all try them on.

You changed quickly into the flowing floor length gown. The dress was gorgeous, especially since it was your favorite color. You walked out of your dressing room to see no one there, so you stood on the platform in the center of the room to look into the mirror at yourself in the dress.

"You look gorgeous," someone said behind you, causing you to jump and turn around. "I'm Hercules Mulligan, the tailor."

"Thanks, and nice to meet you," you replied while blushing.

"You're welcome. What kind of shoes are you wearing with the dress?" Hercules asked with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Um some sort of heels. I honestly haven't seen them yet, the bride picked them out, she brought them with today, they're in the boxes over there," you explained while pointing to the pile of shoe boxes nearby.

"Which ones are yours?" He asked while walking over to them.

"They're labeled by name, I'm (y/n)," you said. Hercules looked through the pile before pulling your box out of it.

"Why don't you have a seat," he said, gesturing to a chair to the side of the room. You sat down and he walked over and pulled the shoes out of the box, gently helping you put them on. He carefully helped you stand up in the 3 and 1/2 inch heels and helped you stand back on the platform in the center of the room.

"The dress is absolutely perfect on you," he stated, "I won't need to make any adjustments. You look amazing (y/n)."

"Thank you," you replied, blushing bright red, "I should probably change and go make sure the bride is alright getting into her dress, it's my job as maid of honor after all." You walked back towards your dressing room just as another bridesmaids walked into the room.

"Hello, I'm Hercules Mulligan, the tailor, please find your shoes from the pile over there then put them on and stand up here so I can see if your dress needs any alterations."

You were surprised to hear Hercules say everything so quickly, and without any of the compliments he gave you. You brushed it off and went to change, before quickly hanging your dress back into the rack and going to make sure your best friend didn't need any help.

Soon everyone's gowns had been pinned in all the necessary places for alterations, everyone else seemed to have slight problems with the dresses. Even the bride needed the dress to be hemmed. When everyone was finished and all the dresses were back on the rack Hercules approached you.

"I'm guessing you will be picking up the dresses, as the maid of honor," he said, through it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Yep, I'll be back," you replied.

"Good, here's my card, you can call me to check on the progress of the alterations at any time. Or you could just call me to call. I'd like to go out with you sometime." Hercules said with a smile.

"I'll call you," you responded, blushing once again. It seemed like all you could do around his guy was blush. Next thing you knew your best friend was pulling you out of the shop.

"I think today went really well," she told you while he two of you walked back towards your car.

"I think today was great," you answered with a smile,  looking at the business card in your hand. You realized Hercules had written call me on the back of it. You laughed to yourself before putting the card in your pocket, maybe you wouldn't be single forever.

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