George Washington-Hamiltime

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"Excuse me?" you asked a soldier as you walked out of the stables at the army camp. "Could you point me in the direction of George Washington's tent?"

"Sure ma'am, I was just headed there myself. I'm Alexander Hamilton, George's right hand man, and you are?"

"I'm (y/n) Washington, his wife," you answered. The man stopped suddenly and looked over at you. "Is something wrong?" You asked.

"I didn't know he was married," the man explained.

"I'm not surprised, George doesn't like talking about his family while he's working. You, on the other hand, I have heard a lot about." You could see Alexander visible tense with your words.

"Of don't you worry, George thinks very highly of you, even if he doesn't show it," you said, making Alexander visibly calm. Soon the two of you had made it to your husbands tent.

"Sir? May I come in?" Alexander asked from the doorway.

"Yes, come in." George answers without looking up form his desk.

"I brought a guest along with me sir," Alexander told him.

"Who is it?" George asked.

"That would be me," you said while walking into the tent yourself.

"(Y/n)!" George exclaimed while coming around his desk and giving you a big hug. "I had no idea you were coming to visit."

"You sounded upset until your letter, I figured there could be no better time than the present for me to come see you so, here I am."

"It is wonderful to see you. You know, I have some business to finish with Alexander here but after I'm all yours alright?" Your husband said with a smile.

You nodded and sat down in the room, listening to George and Alexander make plans and listening to Alex write letters for George. The two talked for a while but you didn't mind, you knew how dedicated they each were to their job. Once they were done your husband decided to give you a tour of the camp before dinner.

The two of you walked around, George pointing out different soldiers he had written to you about.

"Bonjour General Washington," a man said while approaching you two.

"Good afternoon Lafayette," George responded.

"Who is this beautiful woman with you General?" Lafayette asked flirtatiously.

"My wife," George said with a slight glare at the Frenchman.

"I was unaware you were married, it's nice to meet you Mrs. Washington," Lafayette said with a blush.

"It's nice to meet you as well, I've heard a lot about your from George," you said with a smile.

"Yo Lafayette what's taking you so long?" You heard someone yell from a nearby tent.

"You were supposed to be back so we could go to the bar!" Another man yelled.

"Laurens, Mulligan, don't bother Lafayette, he was speaking with me," George yelled back to the men. Soon the two of them walked out of the tent.

"Sorry general," the first man replied.

"Oh don't be so hard on them George, they were just waiting for this friend," you told him with a light slap on the arm.

"It's nice to meet you both, I'm (Y/n) Washington, George's wife," you introduced. The shock was evident on the faces of the two men.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am, I'm John Laurens, and his is Hercules Mulligan," the first man responded.

"Why don't you men head to the bar as you planned," George said, which a slight edge to his tone that caused them all the leave quickly. Once they were gone you scolded your husband again.

"Don't be so hard on them, they didn't even know you were married, or that you were the one holding up Lafayette," you demanded.

"I have to be hard on them (y/n), this is a war zone, I need them to respect me," George explained. "I will try to be a little nicer, just for you."

"Good," you replied, satisfied with the answer you received. George showed you around the rest of the camp before he two of you went and had dinner together. It was wonderful to spend time with your husband again.

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