Eliza Schyler-Modern

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You walked slowly through the mall with the Schuyler sisters, smiling and taking turns dragging each other into stores. You smiled as Eliza quickly walked towards a window, looking at a dress with a bright smile before quickly walking into the store.

"Just tell her already," Angelica told you with a smile.

"She would never see me that way," you replied. You had liked Eliza for a long time, and even though she was oblivious, Angelica had caught on.

"How do you know until you say something?" Angelica asked with a smirk.

"I guess I won't, and it will stay that way. I can't loose her Angie, I just can't." You quickly walked away and into the store, finding Eliza immediately.

"Oh, there you are (y/n), which dress do you like more?" Eliza asked happily holding up two different dresses.

"I think you'd look pretty in either," you replied softly.

"Thank you, it is a really hard decision isn't it?" Eliza said, totally brushing off your compliment. After a few more minutes of deliberation Eliza picked one of the dresses and went to pay for it. As the two of you walked out of the store you realized Peggy and Angelica were no where to be found.

You pulled out your phone to call one of them and noticed a missed text from Angelica.

Take Eliza to lunch and tell her how you feel, I'll keep Peggy busy for the rest of the day. You're welcome!

You rolled your eyes before nervously looking over to Eliza who had also pulled out her phone.

"Angie texted me that she and Peggy had some errands to run for our Dad, she recommended we go to lunch without them," Eliza explained.

"Sounds good, where do you want to go?" You asked, smiling slightly and trying to not explode with nerves. Eliza simply suggested her favorite restaurant in the mall and the two of you took the short walk there almost in silence.

As son as you walked into the restaurant the two of you were seated, and within a few minutes you had both ordered, it was a common place you frequented after all.

"Are you alright (y/n)?" Eliza asked after a moment or two of awkward silence.

"Yeah, I'm good, and you?"

"I'm good. You're sure there's nothing bothering you?"

"No," you replied after hesitating for a moment.

"Come on (y/n), I know something wrong, I can't help you if you don't tell me," Eliza said while reaching across the table and grabbing your hand.

"I like you," you blurred out suddenly.

"I like you too (y/n)," Eliza replied with a laugh.

"No, I don't think you understand. I like you a lot, as more than a friend," you explained.

"As I said, I like you too," Eliza said with a smile.

"Really?" You asked, surprise evident in your voice.

"Of course, I've liked you for a while now actually, I was surprised you liked me back, I guess Angie was right,"

"Wait, Angie knew you liked me?" You asked.

"Yeah, she kept telling me to tell you how I felt," Eliza clarified.

"She did the same thing to me," you replied with a laugh, "she knew all along."

"I can't believe she did that," Eliza said in slight amazement.

"I know right? That's why she set this up," you explained.

"She's too smart for her own good sometimes," Eliza muttered.

"You're right, but it worked out for the better this time," you replied with a smile. The two of you ate happily, and spent the rest of the day together. Both of you were happy, even if Angelica had set the whole things up.

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