Hercules Mulligan-Hamiltime

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Based on an adorable Tumblr post I saw. I'm sorry I haven't been super active in here, I've been very busy but I've got some new ideas. Don't forget to comment or message me with requests!

Walking down the street you were extremely unsteady on your feet. Your mother had just bought you a new dress with brand new shoes and you were still extremely unsteady in the fairly low heels.

You saved yourself from falling several times, but continued to stumble nonetheless. At one point your heel got stuck in a whole in the pavement and you started to fall.

Surprisingly, you realized you had not hit the ground and looked up to realize that a man had caught you.

"When's the wedding?" Someone else called out from behind you, making you blush.

"Thank you for catching me," you told the man with a smile.

"You're welcome," he told you while helping you stand up straight again. "I'm Hercules Mulligan."

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), it's nice to meet you," you replied with a smile.

"I'm John Laurens!" A man yelled while leaning out from behind Hercules, you recognized his voice as the one who had yelled and embarrassed you before, which caused you to blush a little again.

"Thank you again," you told Hercules before turning to walk away.

"Um (y/n)," He said quietly, causing you to turn back around. "Would I be able to take you to dinner?"

"You should say yes, he did save you after all," John said with a bright smile.

"I would like that, are you free tonight?" You asked.

"Uh yeah that would be great. I could pick you up at 7? Does that work for you?" Hercules asked with a bright smile.

"Yes, that sounds great, I live on Mark's street, it's the first house. You can't miss it. I have to run, but I'll see you then," you said with a smile before turning and walking away for real this time.

The rest of your day was fairly uneventful, you managed not to fall a single time. There were still many small near falls, but you were carful to make sure you wouldn't need a stranger to catch you this time. Who knew if it would be a nice and cute stranger like last time?

Before you knew it it was time for Hercules to come pick you up, and at exactly 7 there was a knock at your door.

"Hello," you said with a smile while opening the door to see a smiling Hercules looking back at you.

"Good evening, ready to go?"

"Yes I am," you answered and Hercules offered you his arm in response.

"Don't want you to fall again," he told you with a laugh while leading you out to the carriage. The two of you had a wonderful night and got along wonderfully.

Dinner was amazing and you through Hercules was amazing. Soon the two of you needed to get back home so you left the restaurant, you holding on to Hercules are again. The two of you made it to your house too quickly, you don't want the night to end.

"Will you write to me?" You asked Hercules with a sad smile, knowing he would be going off to war soon.

"I would love to," he told you with a brighter smile back. He walked you to your door, holding you up as you teetered in your heels more, your feet hurt after the long day.

"I'm glad you wore those heels today," Hercules told you.

"Why is that?"

"They made you fall for me," he told you with a smirk.

"That they did, I guess it is good that I wore them," you said before finally bidding Hercules goodnight. You looked forward to recovering letters from the sweet man you had fallen for, in more ways than one.

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