James Madison-Hamiltime

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I' so sorry this update has taken so long, I have been so busy lately its crazy. I finally have a little bit of time today, and time to still get more than like 4 hours of sleep, so I decided to write. Thank you so much for sticking with my infrequent updates. Seeing the votes and comments on this story makes my day!

You smiled to yourself while walking down the street to the park not too far from your house, you were meeting James there. You had know James for a while, and he had been courting you for about 3 months. Once you made it to the park you looked around, and didn't see James anywhere. Deflated, you sat down on a bench with a nice view of the park, and just watched as people went about their days on the beautiful spring day.

"Good morning!' You heard a voice say, startling you at first. It only took a moment for you to realize it was James who had walked up when you were distracted.

"Goodmorning to you as well." you responded with a smile, before getting up from the bench.

"Shall we walk?" James asked while offering you his arm. You smiled and nodded before taking his arm and starting to walk around the park with him. The two of you walked for nearly an hour, just talking about anything and everything. James talked mostly about his work, and the stress some of his colleagues put him under, but you didn't mind. You could listen to him talk for hours.

The two of you stopped at a bench near the middle of the park, wanting to rest before walking back to your house. You smiled brightly at James beside you. He had only been courting you for a few months but you were so very in love with him.

"(Y/n), thank you for coming with me today. I've enjoyed spending time with you." James told you with a small smile.

"Thank you for inviting me." you replied before kissing him on the cheek. James started blushing and broke into a bigger smile. It caused you to giggle, sing the super intelligent, strong man sitting next to you blush over a little kiss on the cheek.

"You know, (Y/n), I'm so happy I've been courting you these last few months. I do not know what I've done in life to deserve someone as amazing as you. I love you." James said softly while fiddling with his fingers, you could see how nervous he was. you reached over slowly and took his hands in yours.

"I love you too James." The smile that bloomed across his face in that moment was something you would never forget. You had never, ever, seen him look so happy before. After a few minutes of basking in the happiness that you each felt, knowing you loved each other, you started walking with James around the rest of the park. It was over an hour later when James was walking you up to your house.

"Thank you again for coming with me today." James told you.

"Thank you for inviting me." you replied. James smiled and started walking away from your house. "James!" you called out suddenly, making him turn around. "You almost forgot something."

"What did I almost forget?" You walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek before smiling at him, watching him blush slightly again.

"To say goodbye."

"Good bye. I will write to you (Y/n). Maybe we will walk in the park again soon?"

I would like that a lot." you agreed before walking back up to your front door, and into your house. You glanced back and saw the wonderful man you had fallen for walking away, and giggled a little at how nervous he had been earlier. He really did love you.

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