George Washingon-Hamiltime

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Thank you all so much for 50k reads. I am beyond amazed at the response to this book! I'm working on the requests I have and would love if you would send in more!

Request by Rosettie_Gardens
Dear (Y/n),

I am so glad to receive your letters, I miss seeing you. I hope we can arrange for you to visit me soon, I am just so afraid of you being anywhere near the war. The only thing keeping me from brining you here is the fact that you are safer at home. Please write to me soon, I long to hear from you again.

Your admiring husband,
George Washington

You smiled down at the letter while also holding back tears. It had been so long since you had seen your husband, and knowing he was in the middle of a war terrified you.

Brushing away the few tears that had escaped you quickly got ready to go into town. You needed a few things from the market, and getting out of the house always lifted your spirits a bit.

After grabbing a light coat and small basket for your goods you started heading towards the market. You stopped at all of the usual small shops, buying some food to cook for dinner that evening.

"Excuse me, ma'am, could you help me?" A familiar voice asked from behind you in the town square. You turned around to see your husband smiling back at you. You quickly dropped the basket and hugged him tightly.

"Oh darling I can't believe you're here, did something happen? Are you alright?" You asked, growing worried as the initial shock of his presence wore off.

"Everything's fine, I just wanted to see you. We were close by and I just couldn't pass up the chance to see you," George explained.

"Do you have time to stay for dinner?"

"I'm home until tomorrow afternoon."

"I better start making dinner then," you told him with a laugh while picking up your basket again. You grabbed your husbands hand and finished shopping with him, before walking back to your house.

The evening was a calm one, your house once again was feeling like home as you spent time with your husband. The two of you were up late talking without noticing, just enjoying each others company.

"George, you have to get sleep, you may be home but not for long, you're still fighting a war."

"You worry too much dear, I'm fine, I can sleep another time, for now I'm just happy to be home with you."

"I love you but I'm still going to make you go to bed," you insisted with a small laugh. George shook his head at you but couldn't help but laugh with you.

"Alright, lets go to sleep, we do still have tomorrow," George agreed before heading off to bed. You smiled at the fact that you would get a good nights sleep for the first time in a while, you wouldn't have to worry about your husband because he would be right beside you where he belonged.

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