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"Dad, why are we in the hospital?"

"Because that's where your mother is."

"Why is she here!?"

"She got into a car accident Lyric."


"Please calm down Lyric, everything will be fine"

"I hope she's okay."

"Come on let's go see her." My dad took my hand and picked up my sister. The three of us walked down the hallway to my mother's room. Room 234A. I took a deep breath before walking in. I didn't know what to expect. My dad opened the door I started to squeeze his hand. Tears started to stream down my face when I saw my mother laying in that hospital bed. She looked so lifeless and weak. I ran over to her and took her hand.

"Mom?" She didn't answer. Then the doctor came into the room and started talking to my dad. My dad then sat my sister and I down in the chairs on the other side of the room. Suddenly there were alarms beeping really loudly, and the doctor ushered the three of us out of the room. A nurse told us to go into the waiting room and we watched as she ran into my mother's room. I started to panic. I couldn't breathe and tears started streaming down my face. My dad engulfed me in a huge hug and kissed my cheek. I heard footsteps coming towards us.

"Mr. Johnson, I'm sorry to say but your wife didn't make it."


I woke up to see Rosa sitting next me in a chair. She was sleeping. I tried to catch my breath. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I looked over at Rosa again. She was so beautiful. I listened her little snores. They were so cute.


"Sign here. And here. And here. Initial here. And here. Date here. Okay Ms. Johnson you are free to go, you too Ms. Flores."


"Can we go to City Hall?"

"For what?"

"To get married."


"Mrs. Flores-Johnson, the doctor will see you now." Ever since we got married 3 months ago, we've been trying to get pregnant. Well, Rosa has. We've been going to the doctor every few weeks to find out. When we go Ms. Mia watches Luke, because my father wants to take him from me. Nothing has taken so far, but we are hoping that this time she will be pregnant. She started showing early signs of a pregnancy. Morning sickness, mood swings, late period, she had all the symptoms of a pregnant woman and today we were gonna find out for sure. Rosa stood up and I took her hand. She seemed nervous.

"Are you okay baby?"

"I'm just a little worried."

"About what love? You're gonna be the best mom ever."

"You really think so?"

"I know so." We followed the nurse to the examination room.

"The doctor will be here shortly but in the meantime, you can put on this hospital gown and get comfortable." the nurse said handing Rosa the gown. Oh! I didn't accept my job back. I found a better one rather quickly. I have money from the settlement from the car accident so providing for Luke and Rosa hasn't been much of a problem. Rosa on the other hand was having trouble finding a job. She of course got offered her job back, but she said 'I don't want to work for someone who blurs the line between personal and professional lives.' That's one of the reasons why I love her. She sacrificed her job just for me. We started talking about her becoming a stay at home mom. Rosa had completely given up the job search, but I still had hope for her.

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