Let It Go! (Dipper)(Unfinished)

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You jumped down from off of the tree you had perched on, eager for what was about to happen. Nothing excited you more than the chance to claim your kill. Nothing at all. Not even the kill itself.

No, it was claiming the prize that you worked hard for.

You rushed over to your kill, knife drawn. However, before you could claim your prize, another hand grabbed your kill. "I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong deer." You looked up to see a boy, not much older than twelve or thirteen, holding the leg of the deer.

He had messy, brown hair. Chocolate Brown eyes to match his hair. He was skinny, but looked completely agile. Attached to his waist was a belt, and hanging from his belt was a knife. Over his shoulder was a bow, however, no arrows. He was covered with mud and grime, with no shirt on.

"Where are your arrows?"

"I used my last one attacking this."

"Where's your pouch?"

"I dropped it."

"Where's your arrow then?"

He fell silent, so you yanked the deer from the boy's hand and launched forward, pushing the boy away. "You're one of those humans!" "Yeah! You must be a demon." "Father told me about you humans. I guess he was right. Humans are lying and cheating robbers."

The boy stared at you blankly, "Is that so?" "Yes." "I was told that demons are corrupt."

You were taken aback, "Corrupt?" The boy nodded. You watched as his hand returned to the deer. "I'll let it go. I'll leave." He whispered. You crouched down as he lifted his hand from off the deer. He watched your every move carefully, unsure of what you will do.

"Corrupt?" You muttered. He nodded. You snatched hold of the deer and bolted, without warning.


Dipper leaped over a rock, slowly approaching the dead boar. He was sure that he didn't hit it, but yet there it was. Dead. On the ground.

He stared as he continued approaching.

He didn't do this. But it was there on the ground. Dead. How was this possible?

Blood puddled around the large animal.


Hello Wattpad Land!

I need requests from you guys. All of what I have has been from my own mind.

I have had this in drafts for a while now, so I feel as if you guys deserve at least something. I lost all inspiration for this one, so... I'm sorry.
At least you guys are getting updatez for this! I'm still working on the bigger project, so keep an eye out for those ones.

Until next time...


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