YouTube: YouScrewed Edition (Sample)

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     “You cheated on me!”

     Mark sobbed, tears flooding down his flushed face. Wade and Bob tried to coach him to the couch, but he wouldn't budge. The man standing in front of them was a broken mess, and it was all your fault. All you could do was stare wide eyed at Mark's breakdown while all eyes in the room switched between concern for Mark and angry glared towards you. You didn't know how to react to the situation around you, simply leaving yourself to stare at the simple reality of it all.

     You had cheated on Mark.

     You held your elbows close to your body, biting your lip to prevent yourself from slipping back into your hole of despair. This was the worst mistake of your life. "M-Mark..." You stepped towards the YouTuber, unsure of how to progress. Everything in your being told you to run back the way you came in. Leave it here. But, a small part of you begged to at least try to make amends. Although, you knew for certain it would end in failure, but you had to at least try. "I'm so sorry!" Mark stumbled backwards, and he would've collapsed right onto the floor if not for Bob being there to catch him. "You lied to me!" His voice cracked, threatened to break. It echoed the room, and tore at your heart.

     You fucked up.


Hello Wattpad Land!

This is just a small sample of a new idea I'm working on. I'll elaborate once I have it fleshed out, but basically, it's a second person Dipper x Markiplier.

If any if you think this is a good idea, let me know by voting or chatting in the comments. I'll continue if I get support.

Until next time...


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