Gravity Falls One-Shots Request Page

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My first two oneshots, I'm not proud of. But the rest are pretty well. My first one is very cringy.

All of my one-shots in progress will be posted in the description.

I wasn't planning on doing this. But I thought it would be more convenient to do this.

I am taking requests. I don't want to have to come up with these ideas all by myself.


1. I will not write lemons and/or smut.

Oh, Ski, you already have a one shot with sex!

I know. But that doesn't count for this rule. When I talk about this, it means that the whole one shot cannot be dedicated to sex. References and small details, yes, I can do. If it has anything with these small things in them, then I will rate them mature.

2. I am not just strictly a x Reader. I will, if requested, do a pairing. This isn't as much as a rule as it is a statement. But I will do ships, and even oc' s. If you want your oc in a one shot, then you have to give the following information:

Appearance, personality, role(optional), who they are being shipped with.

3. When you request, I want an idea with the person or ship. Ex: Vampire!Dipper x Reader- The reader discovers a secret that Dipper had been hiding.

4. The characters and ships that I know and are comfortable with are:


If you don't see your ship or character, message me and I will tell you if I can or can't. Most likely I can, because I just can't remember them and I don't know the ship names (bc I'm too lazy to look them up).

5. I will accept AUs if the request follows the rules above. Just give me details about the AU.

Other Details:

1. Some of my one shots may or may not have references to sex. If this makes you uncomfortable, then every one shot with that reference will have a (mature) label on them.

2. Some of my one shots will be full of violent content. Such as blood, gore, fighting, demons.

Oh, Ski! Isn't your one shot book labeled "mature"?

Yes. It is. No explanation necessary.

3. My one shots vary in length. The very first one shot, White and Blue Hat, is short, yes, I know. Rich and Snobby is long, I know. I try to keep my one shots above one thousand words.

4. If I haven't already by the time this goes up, I will go back and put warnings in each of my one shots when there is violent content. It will be at the top of the page, in between *two stars*.

5. Comment if you want. Just don't argue, or harass one another.

6. Don't be afraid to request. I need the requests to keep this one shot book running.

7. I throw in references from other series here. If you can find and correctly guess them, then I will give you a shout out in the next one shot.

With all of that said, enjoy this book!

Until next time...


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