Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ashlyn’s POV:

I was able to go home in the morning and hung out with Luke at the house and Brae invited some of our friends over that are huge Luke Bryan fans and told them we have news for them about our graduation present. We have 6 best friends Ashley, Taylor, Bianca, Racheal, Brianna, and Meagan we are so sad they aren’t coming with us. They all arrived at our house and we sat them in the living room. Luke is playing a show at Bethel Woods on August 23 so since that is right before we all leave to go to college Luke is giving us backstage passes and pit tickets because he loves us. SO they sit down on our couch and they are all asking what the surprise is, so Brae and I tell them our cousin is here and he has something to say they were confused and not amused. Luke comes in “SO ladies how would you…” They started screaming before he even said anything. “SO I guess you’ll like to come to my concert at the end of August?” In unison the scream yes. Then we got grilled about why we didn’t tell them and all that and how we always talk about our cousin Luke we should have told them. They all are in love with him like most fans and always found it weird that we didn’t see him as our celebrity crush and now they know why. We all hung out Luke of course too pics and signed autographs. Then we hung out for a little bit and decide to go ride horses for a bit it’s not much but we have a couple trails to ride on and we have 10 horses. They need to be ridden daily so we would take them for their ride. We had a blast. The girls were going home because tomorrow was our graduation and honors brunch. We decided to just watch movies at home and hang out because Luke had to leave to get back to his bus before Friday. We ended up passing out in the TV room.

In the morning we got up and got ready for the brunch. We said goodbye to Luke and before he left to get into his car the rents asked him did he tell us. Brae and I looked at each other Confused and in unison “Tell us what?” “Part of your graduation is to go on tour with me for a month” Brae and I screamed so loud we were so excited we hugged everyone and thanked them. “When do we leave?” “You will fly and meet me at our show on Saturday then you’ll stay until August 1st then the second part starts.” We hugged Luke and told him we’ll see him on Saturday. We didn’t even care that our rents still aren’t telling us what the second part is but whatever. We got in our dads truck and went to the honors brunch. Both my sister graduated with high honors I had a 3.85 and Brae had a 3.95 of course she did a little better than me. I didn’t care it was enough to get us both full scholarships to college for all four years. Which means our rents can use our college funds to rent us a nice little house right outside of campus. I didn’t want to live in the dorm anyway. We got our awards and ate then that night they had a pre graduation bon fire and party at the school we were debating on if we should go but Brae said we had to. I just hope there’s no trouble.

We pulled up to the school and found our friends all the girls were there so I felt safe. They had some food and music so we danced and hung out I was so happy we were there together we told the girls we were going out with Luke for a month and they were excited for us and a little bit jealous. After graduation we are having a party at our ranch it’s going to be huge we invited most of the senior class and some of our friends who are underclassmen. I’m excited for that but I’m more excited to leave on Saturday.

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