Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

The next day’s show went amazing just like before we did a lot of interviews. BK and Thubb went back on the road and today we have to go to court for this stupid custody thing. I don’t want to do this but I have Brae, My parents, Luke, Care and Allie here so I might be ok. I’m so nervous but I won’t let them have anything to do with my babies.  I got dressed and made my way down to the car. It was about a 3 hour drive so we are leaving pretty early in the morning. “You look beautiful sweetie.” My mom said. “Thanks mom.” I was wearing a dark blue dress with a matching dark blue blazer and I had on boots. We all drove up there in silence and I was so nervous. I started to tear up. “Oh don’t cry Ash everything will be fine. I promise.” Brae said hugging me. I wiped my eyes a little bit but I couldn’t stop completely. “I wish BK was here.” “I know sis I’m sorry he couldn’t be here but were all here for you.” “I know brae and thanks everyone for coming with me.” They all said it was their pleasure. We finally made it to the courthouse and I saw familiar faces on the stairs. It was BK, T and Sam. BK came running and gave me a big hug. I started to cry again. “No tears baby girl. I wouldn’t miss this in a million years.” “You really are the best boyfriend in the world.” “I do what I can because I love you so much. Oh and you look beautiful.” I smiled big andI gave him a kiss and a big hug then said hi to T and Sam. I was so lucky to have my amazing family here to support me.

We walked into the court house and I saw his family all standing there. I went to turn around and BK grabbed me and whispered. “I’m here it will be alright baby girl.” I sighed and we walked into the court house. “Please rise for the honorable Judge Casey.” We all stood and he walked in and told us to be seated. “We are here to figure out a custody arrangement for unborn baby girl and boy.” Judge Casey said I sighed and rolled my eyes. They let Jay’s mother talk first. She went on about these babies are the last link to their son and she doesn’t believe that it happened the way I said and that I was lying and I want people to feel bad for me to sell records and her son and daughter would never hurt anyone. My blood was boiling I started to breath heavy and tears were coming out of my eyes. BK handed me water and was rubbing my belly. “Calm down baby girl. Just breath she’s the liar and she’s horrible for saying that about you.” My breathing started to become normal and BK wiped my tears. “Ms. Combs are you alright?” “Yes your honor. Ya know just typical pregnancy emotions.” I said looking at BK who was still rubbing my belly. I couldn’t help but smile at him.

So Ms. Combs do you have anything to say.” “Yes your honor I have a lot to say.” He nodded and BK helped me stand up and he kissed my forehead. “Your honor I want to start off by saying this whole thing is ridiculous. Let’s just say for minute that Jay was still alive he would not have any contact with our babies. (Pointing to BK who smiled back at me)so why should we let his family? All of them would most likely be in jail for what they did to me. I’m not lying about what happened. Why would I willingly have sex with a guy who a couple days earlier hit me with a bottle knocking me unconscious and putting me in the hospital? We filed a restraining order and they were opening a case for that. I would have to be the dumbest girl in the world for that to happen. I have picture to show the bruises that they gave me. (I handed them the pictures.) I wanted nothing to do with him and I don’t want them in these children’s lives considering they raised horrible kids. I shouldn’t have to be reminded of the bad things their family has done by allowing them contact with my children. Taelyn and Lucas have a family and they will be loved. They have a daddy that is amazing, supportive and loving. His parents are gonna be great grandparents because they raised amazing children. I know that our babies will be surrounded by love so please don’t allow them to come into our lives and ruin things because they see we are successful and probably will end up asking for money. They don’t even like kids and they are not loving people.” By the end I was crying and BK came over and helped me to my seat. “You did good baby girl.” I hope he listens.” “He will and if doesn’t we’ll figure out something else.” He said wiping my tears and kissing my forehead. Judge Casey left and went back to make his decisions.

 He came back and I swear I was sweating. “I would normally ask you to stand but Ashlyn you can stay seated. After careful deliberation I have decided to grant full custody to you Ashlyn as she is the mother of the children.” Everyone went crazy hugging and yelling with excitement. “Alright calm down everyone. (Everyone calmed down.) It will be up to you whether or not you want the Anderson’s to have contact with your babies. I’m sorry for what you have been through and good luck with everything.” He said and got up and left. I started crying. “We did it love. We don’t have to worry about this anymore.” “I know baby girl. I am so happy and proud of you. Now we can be the amazing parents that we are supposed to be without a worry in the world.” I kissed him and gave him a big hug. “I love you. Thanks for being there for me.” “I love you too and like I said from the beginning I will always be here for you.” We all walked out and we were happy. They were all hugging me tight. This day has been stressful and now I have to say bye to BK for another week. I said bye to T and Sam. I gave them both a big hug and thanked them. They walked over to the car. I pouted a little bit. “Don’t pout beautiful I’ll see you in no time.” “I know but I’ll miss you so much.” “I’ll miss you too.” We kissed each other passionately and by the end I was crying again. “No tears. Bye little hot mess.” He smiled wiping my tears. “Bye love. I love you so much.” “I love you too.” We kissed again and I went to get in my car and head to the city. He left to go to their next stop on the tour.   

2 updates in one day I hope you guys like it. I really don't know when I'll update this again but thank you to everyone who is sticking around to see where it's heading.            

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