Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ashlyn’s POV:

I barely got any sleep with the nurses coming in to take vitals and check the babies but BK slept like a rock. My nurse came in and it was around 8 in the morning. “Good morning Ashlyn” “Good Morning” “So everything looks good you should be able to leave around 10” “That’s good. Thank you” She walked out of the room and I kissed BK on his cheek and he shook him to wake up.  “Good Morning Beautiful” He said while stretching. “Good Morning love. The nurse said we could leave around 10“That’s good babe” “Yeah because we all have rehearsals for the CMA’s” “Um not you, you need to rest.” “I also need to not sound like crap in front of all those amazing singers and all the people watching on TV”  “You’re gonna go from the hospital to rehearsals?” “Yes I am. I’ll just take it easy till it’s time to sing. Then I’ll be sitting while singing then I’ll wait while you guys do yours and then we can go home. Let’s not argue about it babe it will be fine” “Ok but I’ll be watching you” “I wouldn’t expect anything else” I gave him a kiss which turned into a mini make out session that was interrupted by my parents. I pulled away from the kiss.

Hey momma and daddy” “I see you are feeling better, I guess we rushed here for nothing” My dad said being a smart ass. “I guess you did, better hop on a flight back to NY then old man” he laughed and they both walked over and gave me hug. Momma gave BK a hug and he and dad shook hands. When that was done Brae and hunter walked in and said their hellos.  “So we have news for you girls” My mom said “What’s that momma” I said “Your dad and I have decided to move down to Nashville.” “You’re selling the farm? Why?” Brae questioned. “Well to be closer to you girls and there is nothing up there for us anymore all our family is down here” “What about the animals momma” I asked I loved all our animals. “We are bringing all our horses and the goats but the other ones will be sold or included with the land” “that’s good momma, when is this happening.” “Well it’s been in the works since you girls left. We knew you would end up staying down here. While we’re here we will be looking for some farm land. We already have a buyer for the farm and they are willing to give us time to find a place” Words couldn’t explain how happy I was. By now it was almost 10 and the nurse came in with paperwork for me to sign. I signed it and got some meds that would help to keep my blood pressure normal. “Before I go I’m gonna go see Stephanie” “Ok babe, I’ll go get the truck”

I walked over and knocked on Stephanie’s door. Then I walked in I saw her mom sitting in the chair holding the baby and Steph was lying in the bed. “Hey Steph I thought I’d check on you before I check out. How are you doing?” “I’m doing well. A little tired because this little guy didn’t sleep much” ”Get used to it” Her mom chuckled and Steph shot her a dirty look.  I walked over and looked at him he was perfect. “He is perfect, May I hold him” Her mom looked at me crazy. “Oh I’m sorry Ashlyn” “Ashlyn Combs? You’re one of those Firefly girls, Luke Bryan’s cousin, and Brian Kelley’s girlfriend? “Yes, yes, yes, and yes.” “Mom I told you that they stopped by and said they would help us out.” “I thought the hospital gave you some drugs and you were just listening to their music” We all laughed. “Here you go sweetheart” She handed me the baby. “What’s his name” “don’t judge me OK” I looked at her confused “I won’t” “His name is Tyler Brian Mason” “That’s a perfect name.” “I’m kinda obsessed with FGL” Me too. I know two guys who would be flattered” We laughed. “When are you due Ashlyn” Her mom asked “Well not till January but I’ll be lucky if I make it till the end of next month” “You live a busy life it could be stressful” “Yeah I’m not touring anymore but it’s still award season so I have a lot of appearances. It’s rough” “I bet it is” Steph added “Yeah I’m actually on my way to practice for the CMAs. Its right back to work” We talked a little more. I handed the baby back to Steph. My phone vibrated it was BK telling me to hurry or we’ll be late. “I’m sorry I have to run. The people who run the show don’t like you being late” “That’s Ok it was nice meeting you” “It was nice meeting you too, Don’t forget to call me when you get out of here so we can figure out the best way to help you guy out.” “I will and thank you Ashlyn and tell everyone else I said thank. Before you go can I get picture” “Yeah of course” I took a picture with her and the baby then gave her a hug.  

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