Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Ash’s POV:

It feels like September flew by we were still on tour with Luke and preparing for the Here’s to the good Times tour. Seriously they couldn’t pick a longer name, can you feel my sarcasm. It is the 1st of October and we are a couple days away from the first show. We have been working hard on our debut album and we actually wrote most of the songs on the album. It should be coming out at the end of the year. Our first single is at number 4 on ITunes we are just in awe. We have a lot of supporters already. I have gotten some hate for being with BK and people just being negative about my situation. Some of the girls have said I was lying about what happened to get sympathy. I just laugh and don’t let them get to me because I have a lot of people who are behind me and defend me. I just wish that people were more accepting of our relationship like most of them are about Brae and Hunter. I am a strong woman and I just brush it off when I can.

 I am going on 23 weeks preggo and touring is getting a little tiring. I have to just push through it everyone is expecting me to burn out but I feel fine. I’m in good shape and health so the twins aren’t really bothering me much. I would be lying though if I said I wasn’t happy to be in NashVegas. I love just being in our cozy home relaxing, like I am right now. I’m just enjoying lying in bed. BK had got up early I was too lazy to wake up. I think he went to the studio though. I was finally waking up and I looked at my phone. Damn it I had it on silent I had like a million missed calls and text. I guess people were worried. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, Geeze being pregnant makes you go form not having to pee to about to pee on yourself. Oh the Joys. I was checking my phone I had a text from Luke which he sends most morning <Hey Ash, Hope you and the babies are doing well. Call me when you get this. Love ya lots firefly> I’ll just call him later or go over to his house. I had a text from Brae who is happily living with Hunter in a very beautiful house they bought together that is about 10 miles from Bk and my home. I’m quite sure he’s going to pop the question soon. <Ashlyn Ray Combs you better not miss our tour practice today. I will kick your butt. You got be there at 2. Being preggo is no excuse, don’t make me come over there.> It was only 1130 so I had time. I debated on whether or not to text her back. It would be funny to see her bust in the door but I just sent a text back. <Chill Brae, I’m up and I’ll be there.> <K, how are you feeling> <Preggo and huge but other than that I feel just fine.> <K, see you later chica> <yep> Last was a text from BK <Baby girl, I ran out to the studio and the gym. You looked so peaceful and beautiful so I didn’t want to wake you. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Love you lots>

 I was about to text him back but he walked in the door. And by this time I was out of the bathroom and rummaging through the fridge all cave women style. “Hey beautiful” “Hey love” I was still looking in the fridge when I smelt the pleasant aroma of food ad without turning around I asked. “You got me Checkers” “Goodness girl your nose is crazy. “Yeah it’s a preggo thing. Thanks baby”  “You are too cute. And you’re welcome” I gave him a big and kiss, and then we sat down and ate. After we ate I went and got dressed. I hated it now because I had to buy maternity clothes now that I’m all big. Don’t get me wrong they are cute just not what I’m used to. I just put on a pair of my maternity jeans, a black tank top and put on a camo sweatshirt. BK also showered and changed out of his gym clothes but like always he was done before me and waiting in the living room. “You ready to go Ash” “Yeah I guess, if I have to.” He laughed “Yes you kinda do, I think your sister would kill you if you didn’t show.” “Fine” I walked towards the door and BK grabbed me as I was walking by him. He spun me around and gave me a nice long kiss. When he was done he just hugged me. “What was that for babe” “Just because you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Plus I love you more than anything in the universe” I had big smile on my face and a tear in my eye. “I think I win the award for best boyfriend in the world because you are the sweetest. I love you more.” “Impossible” he said with a huge smile and kissed me on the cheek. I just smiled and we walked out the door to the dreaded rehearsals.

We got to the rehearsal and we had to finalize our set list and all that good stuff with our managers. We will be doing 8 of the 16 songs we recorded for the album. It was a debate to pick the 8 because we loved them all. We finally agreed on the order and we practiced with our band. We picked our band a couple weeks ago because we had to give Thompson Square back there guys. We decided to have a band full of females. It was girl power, these chicks were bad ass and really talented. “Hey Ash, you feeling OK” “Yes Brae the preggo is feeling fine. If I wasn’t I’d let you know.” “Yeah sure you will. I’ve known you all your life so don’t lie to me.” I just looked at her and walked on to the stage. It is just annoying that everyone is worrying about me but I feel fine. We did our practice thing and we were done around 530.

 I decided to call Luke finally “Hey LB” “What’s up Ash” “Sorry it took me so long to call you back. It’s was a lazy morning and we had practice for the tour” ”its fine I was just checking in on ya.” “So you and Care wanna join us for dinner” “Yeah sounds good what time?” “Probably around 630 at the steak house” “OK I’ll see you guys there Love ya” “Love ya too” We left the rehearsal space to get dinner. We all met there at 630 It was BK, me, Ty, Sam, Brae, Hunter, Luke and Care. Which meant it would be nice long dinner full of laughing and talking about stupid stuff. It was always a good time when we got together. During dinner Tyler tells everyone to hush because he had an announcement and after poking fun we settled down. “SO everyone since we are all together and that is about to be rare for a couple months I wanted to let you guys know that I asked Sam to marry me and she sad yes” Everyone busted out in applause and congratulations. But me being the smart ass I am asked Sam “You said yes what are you thinking, you want to turn into Luke and Care.” Everyone started laughing as Sam stated “Yes smart ass, I love him and we are planning to do it soon hopefully in December after the tour.” “Oh my! That’s crazy but I’m happy for you and I will help you plan everything” I gave her a big hugs since she was sitting next to me. “Thank, I’m gonna need you girls if I’m gonna pull this off.” When we were done with dinner we all said our goodbyes and headed home. We all lived within the same area so we pretty much were right behind each other and the guys were kinda racing on the highway but not going too fast. I just looked at BK and smiled.

We finally made it home I was exhausted. “What do you want to do baby girl?” “Umm, bath, cake and ice cream, a movie and then bed.” “That sounds good, how about I run the bath for us and you can lay down for a second” “How did I get so lucky?” “I don’t but you won the lottery with me” “That I did mister” BK went and ran the bath and I sat on the bed and attempted to take my boots off which was getting harder and harder for me.I got undressed and put on my robe to walk into the bathroom. When the tub was full we got in. BK rubbed my back which was amazing after the long day. “You ready for your first headlining tour love?” “Of course I am we worked so hard for this and you’re going to be there which makes it better. I would miss you and the babies if you weren’t coming with us.” “Aww I’m just so proud of you guys and I’m happy to be a part of this tour. Plus I love not having to say goodbye to you. That would be hard. Let’s just hope these babies stay in till January or at least the end of December.” “Well Ty is hoping they will be born on his birthday.” “Yeah I don’t see that happening.” “I don’t either but we’ll just let him think that.” “I’m happy for him and Sam. Did you see that coming because I was shocked.” “Well I knew he was thinking about it but I didn’t know he did it and I wasn’t expecting a December wedding but they are perfect together.” “That’s true, like me and you.” “Yep only we are more perfect than them, but they are close.” I laughed and turned around to straddle him he was rubbing my belly and talking to the babies. It is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. “You are amazing Babe, I love you so much” “I love you to beautiful” We started making out in the tub and he started kissing down my neck. We got out the tub and moved to the bed. He continued to kiss all over my body and one thing led to another. I know I’m all preggo but hey I’m not dead and I have a sexy boyfriend. We put in a movie I got my cake and ice cream and we fell asleep cuddled up. 

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