Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Ashlyn’s POV:

We stopped at a store and I grabbed a red bull, an Ice coffee and a water. It was a nice summer day and I had on my crop top with short shorts, a mossy oak sweatshirt my favorite mossy oak hat and my ray bans. I just wanted to get to the bus and sleep because I was feeling pretty tipsy by now. We got back into the car and I laid my head down and of course Brae couldn’t leave me alone. “Ash we need to talk” “Not now Brae I’m not in the mood to get another lecture from the peeerrrfect sister” “ I know you were drinking last night and I know you have been drinking this whole trip what the hell I thought we were passed this. You were doing so well” “Brae I don’t need another mother I just want to have a good trip. Just leave me alone” “We will talk about this later” “No we won’t if you bring it up again I will punch you in the face” Just as she was going to continue and I was probably going to punch her we pulled up to the venue. I jumped out with my ice coffee and my hood up and was going to find Luke say hi and then go sleep a little. But of course Brae got out too and she was still lecturing me, I was getting so mad at her. We didn’t even notice Tyler and BK; we just walked right past them towards Luke’s bus


I was standing outside our bus with when these two girls got out of a black SUV one was wearing short short and mossy oak gear with a hat and sunglasses and the other was wearing a dress. They started walking towards the buses I could hear them arguing back and forth and it was getting heated as they walked towards the bus I saw them getting closer so I said “Hey pretty ladies” but they just kept arguing and walking towards Luke’s bus so maybe they were here to see him. I don’t know but maybe I’ll see them later when they aren’t that angry. All I got was one of the girls was Ashlyn and the other was Braelyn I think they were twins but I really don’t know. “Hey T what the hell was that?” He laughed “I don’t know man but that’s a whole lotta crazy” “we’ve never had girls ignore us like that” “I know B but they were in a heated argument so that might be the reason.” “Yeah I wonder who they are and what they are doing here” We walked back on to the bus but I couldn’t help thinking about that whole situation. I got my stuff and went to sound check.

Brae’s POV:

I swear Ash makes me so angry and I am disappointed in her for starting to drink again. I don’t know what is going on with her because she is being a stubborn bitch right now. We were arguing so much that we walked past FGL and I think one of them said something but I didn’t pay attention. I’ll have to apologize. We were still arguing till we got to Luke’s bus and saw everyone and they were giving us hugs and Ash was being kind of an asshole but she was trying. Luke finally came out and gave us big hugs and of course Ash was like “Use you inside Voice Luke” “What’s wrong with her” he asked with concern in his voice so I told him the truth “Well she woke up hung over this morning and the proceeded to drink all the way here she’s being a major problem” I could see the worry, disappointment and anger in Luke’s face. “Ashlyn Ray Combs you have got to be kidding me” “Thomas Luther Bryan don’t start with me I don’t need a lecture from anyone. Where am I staying” She has never talked t Luke like that and he was shocked just then Luke was telling us that Caroline and the boys were going to be joining him so I’ll have to ask the boys of FGL if you can stay there since they have extra bunks. “I don’t care where we stay I just want lay down oh and maybe eat something” Luke just looked at her ad we walked over to the boys’ bus.

Luke’s POV:

I don’t what is wrong with Ash but I’m worried on her if she keeps drinking like Brae says she is I will send her back to New York. She has a bad attitude right now and stinks of vodka and tequila. We walked over to the FGL bus. “We walked over to the FGL bus. “Hey Guys” “Hey LB” They both greeted me “Look I invited my cousins on tour with me and they were going to stay on my bus but Caroline decided to join us, so would it be Ok if they ride with you guys” “Yeah that’s fine LB” BK said “It’s ok” “Cool you guys are the best I’ll go get them” I walked off the bus and went to grab the girls. We walked on the bus. “Guys this is my cousin Braelyn” She came up and said hi to them and apologized for earlier. Then Ash came walking up. “Ash take off your sunglasses and hat” “Yes dad” She said with a smart ass tone. But she did it. “This ray of sunshine is Ashlyn, she’s our problem twin” “You’re an ass Luke, So where is the food. And if you guys are going to be assholes I’m gonna need another drink or 3.” She said and Brae and I just looked at her as she walked off the bus. “Don’t mind her she’s not always like this we’ll get her in check.” “Its fine she seems like she’s had a rough time” I couldn’t help but notice all the bruises on her legs and stomach but she always falls down or runs into things so that’s probably what it is. I walked out of the bus with everyone and she was kinda talking to Caroline who must have showed up when we were on the bus. I gave her and the boys a hug and Ash came walking back over. “Where is the food Luke, I’m hungry” I told her but Brae walked up and they started to argue again.

Ashlyn’s POV:

They are all getting on my nerves I just want to eat and I want to lie down is that too much to ask. But I guess not since Brae came out yelling. “Ashlyn Ray you are going to drop your damn attitude and apologize to everyone” “Hey Brae why don’t you go to HELL” “I swear you are a pain in the ass you disappoint me” “Well good thing I really don’t give a shit” “Ashlyn Ray watch your mouth” Luke yelled “Yeah whatever I’m going to eat and get away from you judgmental assholes.” We argued a little more and I started to walk away. “Luke you should just send her back to New York or maybe she should go back to rehab.” Brae said to Luke “I’m sooo sorry I can’t live up to your expectations and I can’t help that I am not as perfect as Braelyn May.” “You were doing fine now you want to act out again. Come on get a clue Ash” “Say one more thing to me Brae and I will hit you” We fight all the time but this was different and I think brae was really mad because she came running up behind me and knocked me to the ground. Then it was on. 

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