Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Ash’s POV:

It has been almost 2 weeks and I am now 20 weeks so we are half way through. I am showing a lot more now. Brae and I have been signed to FGL’s management and record label. It’s pretty awesome we are recording and they are rushing our release because we had a very warm welcome and people love us already. We are now touring as The Firefly Twins since that’s who we are. We have a youtube channel and now we have facebook, Instgram, and twitter with name @TheFireflyTwins. We even have fan pages its crazy. We have a couple weeks off from Luke’s tour so we are in Nashville and Brae and I are getting registered to take online classes. BK and I are getting the house prepared for the twins and him and Ty are painting the nursery. It’s going to be a beach theme that is perfect for a boy and girl. The place is small but it is perfect for us. Brae and I have a couple interviews tomorrow and we will be on CMT. So I will be announcing that I’m pregnant and explaining what happened. Tonight we are releasing the video of me singing my song to prepare people. I Posted the video and posted status and the link< be sure to head over and watch my acoustic version of a song that I wrote recently when I was going through a hard time.>   Then I went to bed.

Then next morning I woke up to a lot of comments from fans who said they loved the song and a lot said they cried with us. I went on and posted a picture of Brae and I from a photo shoot. <Be sure to catch my sis @BraelynFirefly and me on the radio and on CMT today. Big announcement coming out today! @TheFireflyTwins #excited #bignews> I got up and got ready geez my belly seriously came out of nowhere there is no hiding it now. I out on a cute two toned dress and my low boots did my hair and makeup like normal and BK and I met Brae at the CMT studios. He doesn’t really let me go many places by myself which I don’t mind I love him being around. We got to the studio and we went to the green room and talked to the production manager. We are releasing our first video Some Girls like trucks. We are happy with how it came out and that we were able to do it while on the road. It was time to go on and I was getting nervous but luckily I was going to be sitting and my belly is kind hidden. We got on there and the interviewer asked us a lot of questions.

I=interviewer, A=Ash, B=Brae

I:  We have Ash and Brae The Firefly Twins here today. How are you ladies today.

A: We are doin great. B: Just glad to be here today

I: So You girls are like an overnight sensation how does that feel?

B: It is amazing, We are just happy that people are so supportive. A: We never thought we would be here but thanks to Luke and all the fans we are signed to a label and our first album is in production.

I: Speaking of Luke how is it having Luke Bryan as a cousin?

A: We never really thought about he was always just Luke to us. Nothing changed that. B: He’s like a older brother to us he has always been that over protective, tell you how he feels about something brother figure. That didn’t change. 

I: SO where did your name come from:

A: It’s a nick name Luke gave us when we were younger and we used to go to the farm in Georgia for the summer. Our favorite thing to do was always to go out into the field and watch all the fireflies light up. It kinda just stuck. B: before we started this he and Jason were the only ones that called us that.

I: Jason Aldean?

B: Yes we have known him since we were like 10. He’s another older brother figure. He’s family.

I: That’s cool so everyone knows about you guys and your country super star boyfriends.

A: Yeah we have amazing boyfriends. I’m dating BK of FGL and he is amazing we are beyond happy together. B: And I’m dating Hunter Hayes who is the sweetest guy I’ve ever met I love with all heart.

I: That’s sweet so you guys have a couple of announcements.

B: Yes we will be heading out on another tour after this one with some really cool people. A: Yes we will be opening for FGL on their first headlining tour. We are beyond excited about this.

I: Well that is amazing.

A Yep so look out for us in a city near you.

I: So we are going to debut you video for your first single if you want to introduce it.

A&B: Hey were The Firefly Twins and this is the video for our first sing Some Girls Like Truck. Enjoy

The video played and after the commercial we were going to make the big announcement.

I: So last night you released a video of you singing a song. Can you tell me a little about it?

I was dreading this moment

A: Yeah this is actually going to be our next single “After the Darkness” but I wrote this song because it was my only way to express what I was going through.

I: It seemed intense I seen at the end everyone had tears in their eyes. What is the meaning behind it?

A: It is about the dark time I went through after graduation because that night I was raped and I didn’t tell anyone and just tried to forget it ever happened. I started drinking a lot and everyone was losing faith in me. Then I found out I was pregnant and I was devastated and confused. Then I started talking to BK and he helped me through it and then when we told my family they all were there for me.

I started to tear up so Brae started talking

B: It’s about knowing that no matter how dark the times are you will always make it through it. That’s what she did and she is happy now.

I: Wow, I’m sorry that happened to you and congrats on the baby.

A: its Ok I’m better now and it’s babies we are having twins.

I: We?

A: Yes us, Bk and me. He has been there since day one. He is excited to be a dad and will raise these babies like they are his own.

I: That’s great so what are you having? And what is going on with the guy that did this and the father of your kids.

A: We’ll just leave it at he got what he deserved. And BK and I are having a girl Taelyn Rose and a boy Lucas Tyler. I’m 20 weeks pregnant right now so I’ll be on tour all big and stuff. But we are excited for what is coming for us.

B: Yeah there is big things coming our way and we will be surrounded by family and friends. It’s perfect we truly are blessed. We couldn’t have planned for this life but we are glad that we got dealt the cards we did. It was a series of unpredictable events that lead us here.

A: We are going to ride this ride wherever it takes us. Life is good and we love all our fans and supporters.

I: Thank you girls for stopping by. The firefly Twins look out for their debut self-titled album coming soon.  

A&B: thanks Ya’ll, We love you.  We blew a kiss to the camera

We did a lot of interviews after that. I didn’t have to go into that much detail about the incident because the other interviewers already knew from the CMT interview.  I looked at my phone and BK had posted that picture of us from a couple weeks ago. <The news is out I’m gonna be a daddy. I’m excited to meet Tae and LT. I love you babe @AshlynFirefly> I commented back < I love you too @PlayBKPLay. Excited for this journey and to start our family.>Then I posted my own status. <Hope you checked out the interview. 20 weeks preggo and can’t wait to meet our little Taelyn and Lucas. @PlayBkPlay I love you. You will be an amazing dad> 

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