Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Ash’s POV Nov 12th

It has been a crazy couple weeks BK is in NYC now and the guys have 3 shows this week. I’m seriously ready for this pregnancy to be over but you can’t rush these things. I’m as big as a house and it kinda sucks. I kinda just want to eat and sleep now. I have a little energy but if I can stay in bed I rather do this. I hate being home while everyone else is on the road but it’s what’s best for me. Brae and I have been working on some last minute touches on our album which is still coming out next month. I have been home since the CMA’s this is the longest BK and I have been apart since we met during the summer. We talk several times a day but it’s not the same. I wish I could be out there with him. My phone started ringing <Hey Brae> <Hey Ash, You up?> < Yep Up but still in bed.> < I figured that. I’m on my way to get you. So start getting dressed.> <Ok. All I have to do is through on clothes I already showered.> <Great you’re finally learning.> <Yeah. I’ve learned you’re a pain in the butt.> She laughed. <Yeah ok see ya in a bit. Love ya> <love ya too> Brae was coming to get me because we were going to surprise the guys in NYC. I missed BK so much that I couldn’t be without him. The plan was to go out there and stay there till after Thanksgiving. I got up and through on my clothes and ended up laying back down. Sue me I’m pregnant. “Ashlyn We’re here.” She came into my room “Oh preggo get up you can sleep on the plane.” She said laughing. “Oh sorry sis. You took too long.” I said laughing and she helped me up. “Hey Hunter.” “Hey Ash, How you feelin” “Pregnant as hell but I’m feeling good today.” He laughed “As long as you’re feeling good. I’ll grab your bags and bring them to the car.” “Thanks you’re the best bro” He smiled and grabbed my bags. “You ready to go?” “Yeah I miss BK so much.” “I know Ash you call me crying like every night if I’m not here.” “I know I’m sorry. I blame hormones.” “Yeah sure that’s what it is.” She laughed and I hit her arm. We got in the car and the driver drove us to a private jet. Thanks Thubb and Luke they didn’t want me to fly commercial. I had to tell T so he would set up the surprise for BK. We got to the airport “Hey Allie.” “How is my favorite pregnant woman doing?” “Great actually. No issue and I have a good amount of energy.” “That’s good to hear. I don’t want any babies born on this plane.” “Nope I will be crossing my legs tight. These two would need the jaws of life to get out.” Everyone started laughing. “but they are very active right now.” They are always bouncing off the walls I swear they have like dance parties and rock concerts in my belly. We took off and were in New York about 4 hours later. There was a car waiting for us to take us to our hotel.


We made it to NYC and since we will be here for a couple days we are getting a hotel. Thubb and Sam have been really weird the last couple days but whatever I really miss my baby girl and babies. She cries every time I talk to her and it breaks my heart. I know it’s hormones but I wish she could be here but she thinks she needs to stay home. I think this is more stressful for her. We checked into our hotel and I went to my room. I just wanted to chill but everyone wanted to go out to eat and sight see a little. I called Ash and she didn’t answer I guess she is sleeping I texted her. <hey babygirl just got to NYC I love you a lot. Call me when you get this.> I changed into a pair of jeans and sweatshirt with boots and grabbed my jacket. I met everyone downstairs and we headed out. I love New York but it is cold in the winter. “Y’all ready I’m hungry and just want to get back to my room.” “BK man you gotta snap out of it. I’ve never seen you this down before.” Thubb said. “Well T I hate leaving her behind and she’s so sad. It just hurts man.” “I know well we gotta wait for these girls I want you to meet.” I was confused why would he want me to meet girls. “What are you talking about T. I don’t want to meet any girls.” “They are beautiful man. I know you’ll like one of them.” He said and I was getting pissed off. “I love Ashlyn T.” Then I heard a familiar voice. “Well that’s good to hear Cause She love you.” I turned around and saw my baby I ran over to her and hugged her so tight. “Oh Baby girl I missed you so much. What are you doing here? I am so happy to see you.” I put my hand on her belly and kissed her passionately. She was crying and smiling. Then she finally spoke. “I missed you soo much Love.” That’s all she got out before she kissed me again. I was so happy to see her and I could tell she was happy to see me. “Ok you two we are going to eat so stop before we all lose our appetite.” T said. “I missed you too Thubb.” She went and gave everyone a hug. “Ash” “Yes T” “Is it possible that you have gotten bigger in just a couple weeks.” She looked at him like she wanted to kill him then smiled. “Yep I have and so have the babies. Look BK.” I walked over and she pulled out the sonogram pics of the babies they were growing right on track. “That’s awesome baby. They are healthy and happy in there.” I said bending down and rubbing her belly as they started to kick. “They don’t need your help BK. They are always having dance parties and concerts in there.” I laughed. “I’m sorry baby.” “The doctor said the more active they get the more likely I am to have them sooner than later but he said I should make it till at least next month. SO it will be safer for the babies. They are still too small.” “Well let’s just let them incubate for a long while longer.” “Yeah and let’s get this momma some food.” We went to this restaurant and I swear Ash ate like everything on the menu. We just watched in amazement she is still amazingly small. She say she’s lucky because she is all belly and hasn’t gained weight anywhere else well except her butt but I love that.

Ash’s POV:

We went to this really good restaurant and I ate literally everything I could think of. The one thing I love about New York is that the food is delicious. The waiter came and asked if we were going to have desert and everyone laughed and looked at me. “Yeah I’ll have cheesecake, the chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream.” Everyone laughed. “Ashlyn?” “What Brae I’ll share with you?” “No you won’t” Everyone started laughing again. “Hey hey whatever my babies want my babies get.” BK said pointing at me and the belly. “That’s right and I want Cheesecake and they want chocolate and all of us want ice cream.” We all laughed as they brought my desert and I started eating. I shared so of the cake with BK. “Oh she shares.” Brae said “The babies don’t mind sharing with their daddy but the said don’t dare give any to their mean old aunty.” She threw a napkin at me. “Shut up Ash” She said between laughs. I blew her a kiss and finished my desert. “So what’s next?” I asked “Well now that you ate all the food at the restaurant we were gonna go ice skating. But since you can’t do that I don’t know.” T said. “I’ll go an watch y’all bust your ass.” We went out and got into the car and went to Rockefeller center to go ice skating. Well I can’t because it’s not really safe even though I’m really good and probably wouldn’t fall. We got there and everyone got there skates. “Babe if you wanna skate I’ll be fine by myself.” “Nope I’m staying with you. I’ve missed you and just want to be close to you.” I smiled. “Well you wanna go for a walk?” “Sure you feeling up to it.” “Yeah but you can walk and I will waddle.” “That’s fine your waddle is cute.” He kissed my forehead. We walked for a little bit stopping to take pictures and sign autographs with fans. The fans are really excited about the babies and always ask when we are getting married. I just laugh because we haven’t really talked about that. I know I want to marry him but it’s not really a rush. We have only been dating a couple months now. We walked a little more then went back and sat down. “I love you Brian.” “I love you too Ashlyn.” He smiled then kissed me. It was starting to get dark and I was getting sleepy. I let out a yawn. “You ready to go baby girl.” “Yeah I’m a little sleepy.” We walked to the others and said we were going. They were going to hang out and go have drinks. Must be nice I wish I wasn’t pregnant and I could experience this different but I am happy and I already love my babies even though their sperm donor was a horrible human. Luckily their daddy is amazing and they will not know anything but that BK is their father. We grabbed a cap and made it back to the hotel. “You wanna take a bath baby girl.” “Was that even a question that had to be asked?” He laughed and went and ran the bath. I got undressed and slipped on a robe. I walked in the bathroom. BK helped me in the tub it was huge. “I know I didn’t handle us being apart very well love. I’m sorry.” “ It’s OK I know it was hard and it was hard for me as well. It’s hormones too.” “I know but I should be stronger. I don’t know why I was so sad.” H just kissed my head and gave me a hug. “I love you baby girl. It’s OK we’re together now.” “I love you too. I’m happy I’m here with you now.” We stayed in the tub making out for a while before getting out. We cuddled up close and he sang to the babies usually I would fall asleep but the twins were going crazy. “You made it through the whole song.” “Yeah I guess they missed you cause they are moving around a lot right now. It’s really uncomfortable. But at least I’ve finally heard the whole song and it’s beautiful love.” “I’m glad you love it cause I want us to record it together for them.” I was smiling from ear to ear. “I would love that.” We put on a movie and just cuddled until the crazy twins calmed down and I went to sleep. I barely sleep through the night I have to get up to pee so much. “You ok baby girl?” “Yep I have the bladder of a tiny child. Sorry I woke you.” I climbed back in bed after downing a glass of water. “Well I’m sure that doesn’t help.” “Yeah well the downfall of being preggo you are extremely thirsty so you drink a lot but your bladder has a tiny person resting on it so you have to pee a lot.” He laughed “It’s not funny” I said hitting his arm “I’m sorry baby. I love you” “I love you too.” I fell back to sleep almost instantly.    

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