Chapter 10

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3 weeks Later Pelham, Alabama July 11

Ashlyn’s POV:

I woke up and I heard everyone in the lounge area and I heard them talking about me and how they think I need to go to rehab or something. They were talking about how I barely sleep and when everyone is sleep I get up and drink and how I still cry every night. Blah Blah blah I really hope they don’t try an intervention because I would seriously flip out. We are in Alabama and I don’t drink during the day so I was going to just hang out with Brae and maybe go skate around the venue. We are getting a long better though she knows I’m drinking she tries to keep her concerns to herself like everyone else. I just have to drink to go to sleep and it’s only a couple shots. Any way. “Hey Brae you want to go to the mall and get an outfit because our birthday is tomorrow.” “Yeah let’s go I’ll see if Sam and Caroline want to join us” “Cool” We all go ready and went to the mall to have girl’s day which was needed. We even got our nails done and got a couple of outfits then we got lunch. It was perfect like most days. I didn’t mind the days because I was surrounded by people I cared about but the nights are when my thought haunts me. I just can’t get out of my own head. BK and I are getting close but I don’t see us dating Luke may have a problem with that because he’s much older than me. We are just going with the flow even though I know he’s worried about me and we have almost kissed a couple times. Brae and hunter are amazing they are like a storybook couple. Just sunshine and rainbows it’s disgusting. He will actually be coming to Charlotte tomorrow and she is beyond excited.

We got back to the bus and it was almost show time I always loved watching the boys play. Every time is just as good if not better than the last time. They are rock stars and I love watching them. The night flew by and we got on the bus to head to charlotte, NC. I have been feeling sick and everyone including me thinks it’s the drinking. When everyone was sleep I went into the lounge area and sat down and was writing lyrics. I love writing songs but I never show anyone except Brae because she always helps me to make them better. I wasn’t drinking anything tonight just had a glass of water when BK came out. “Hey beautiful girl” “Hey love” “what are you doing? What are you drinking?” “I’m writing a song and I’m drinking water. You want to taste it.” “No I believe you. So” I interrupted him “let me guess you drew the short straw and you got voluntold to talk to me. I heard you guys this morning. And I’m fine you don’t have to do it” “Baby girl I wanted to talk to you I’m worried about you. I just want you to be ok. You have to drink to go to sleep and you cry every night.” Just then tears started streamin down my face and I rested my head on BK’s shoulder and he put his arm around me. “Baby what it is. You can tell me anything” “I just I don’t know BK” “I can’t help you until you tell me.” “OK” I tried to stop crying as I went into my story but tears were still falling but I could get words out so I started.

So on the day of our graduation party we were having a blast and my sister went somewhere with Hunter and I went to go mingle with our guest. I spent most of the night close to Jason because I have a crazy ex and he could show up and I didn’t want to deal with that. Luke had already beaten his ass and I knew he would be mad. I was walking over towards the pond and my ex came up behind and hit me from the back. He was with his psycho girlfriend and two sisters. They drug me into the wooded area and they were hitting me and kicking me. That’s how I got all the bruises on my arms everything. I tried to get away but they had a gun and I didn’t want anyone to get hurt so I just took it. They were careful not to bruise me in place where people would see and then…

I started crying even more too where I couldn’t talk and BK held me tighter and kissed my forehead. “Its OK baby he can’t hurt you here. Be strong you can finish this story and then we can start healing” He always said the right thing I really do like him but I’m in no place to start a relationship. I wiped my tears and continued my story.

Then the girls held my arms and legs down and he raped me. It was the worst day of my life ever. I felt like I was nothing and I felt so weak and powerless. They then told me that if I told anyone or they got arrested the would kill my rents and I wouldn’t want to be the cause of that so I went back to the house cleaned up and started trying to drink it away and pretend it never happened.

I started crying again because I was so sad and I didn’t want BK to think different about me but he was so sweet. He was sunning his hands through my hair and he kissed my forehead and said. “It’s going to be ok baby girl we will get this figured out.” “That’s not the worst part BK?” “Sweetheart what could be worse?” ”BK I’m pregnant, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to have his baby but I don’t think I could have an abortion?” Again I started bawling my eyes out and I curled up in the bench seat and put my head in his lap and cried while he ran his hands through my hair. “Ashlyn, sweetie it will be OK. Whatever you decide I will be there for you no matter what and so will everyone else.” “You are too sweet BK. You are so good to me and you don’t have to be.” “I do it because care about you and I really like you Ash. But I know that it’s not a good time for us but I will be there for you till the end.” “BK can I sleep in your bunk with you tonight” “Of course you can. I’ll make you feel safe and hold you tight all night” We both got up and went and lay down in BK’s bunk and we cuddled up. He looked at me and looked up at him and he kissed my forehead. “Good night beautiful girl” “Good night sweetheart” 

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