Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Ash’s POV:

I wish I didn’t have to always work. I just want to lay here with BK but we both have crap to do. Our label wants us to do radio things and stuff like that. “Baby girl we have to get up.” “I don’t want to it’s the ass crack of dawn. I quit everything but you.” “Well I’m glad you don’t quit me but I don’t think you can just quit your career either.” He said laughing. “You’re still in bed too mister.” I laughed. “I know because you are just so damn cuddly I don’t wanna get up but we have to.” He sat up and helped me up and slapped my ass. “Now get dressed little lady.” “Watch your hands mister.” I laughed and went to start the shower. I looked out the bathroom “You coming love.” He was stripped down and at the bathroom in a millisecond I couldn’t help but laugh. “I love you so much crazy.” I said kissing him passionately. “I love you too baby girl.” We got in the shower and got out and went to breakfast with everyone. I piled my plate with waffles, French toast, chessey eggs, bacon and fruit. “Really Ashlyn.” Leave the preggo alone when Hunter knocks you up I will be there to criticize you’re eating habits Braelyn.” She just looked at me and then at hunter. Then they laughed. “Oh you done went and got knocked up Braelyn?” “Shut up Ash.” “Wait serious you done got yourself knocked up” I laughed. “Stop saying it like that. We were gonna tell everyone at Thanksgiving but you got a big ass mouth.”  “Sorry Congrats guys” I smiled real big I was happy for them. They hump like horny jack rabbits so it doesn’t surprise me. I just always pictured her Married then having babies. I got up waddled to her and gave her a big hug. “How far along are you?” “Don’t really know Maybe I can borrow Allie.” I laughed “Nope she’s mine find your own.” “You’re such a bitch.” “I’m joking.” I hugged her and hunter then sat down by BK who was also happy. Our kids will be close in age and we always wanted that even though this was not planned. I think our management and label might fire us. Our manager spoke. “Well now that we got that surprise out the way Congratulation Brae and hunter. I have an announcement to make. Girls your first single has hit number one on the billboard Charts.” We freaked out Everyone was clapping I was so happy. We called our mom and dad. Then called Luke and Care they were so happy for us. “This is crazy BK. I didn’t expect this at all.” “Oh I did baby girl. You two are amazing. You are going to give Thubb and I a run for our money.” “If we decide to continue our career.” “What do you mean?” “Don’t worry about love.”

We breakfast then went to do our interviews for the days.  The interviews were all the same but it’s part of the job. I get very cranky without a nap so I went back to the hotel for a quick nap before we meet up with our best friends Ashley, Taylor, Bianca, Racheal, Brianna, and Meagan. They all go to school in the city so they are meeting us for Lunch and spending time with us while we are here. BK went to do something I wasn’t paying attention when he left pregnancy brain and all. I was sleep for a couple hours when he came back. “Hey love” “Hey baby girl I was expecting you to be sleep still.” “Yeah me too but I needed to pee.” He laughed “Well good thing you’re up. I want to talk about what you said earlier. What did you mean by if you continue your career?” I don’t want to talk about this. “Well to be honest this is all awesome and amazing but it’s not what we wanted to do. We wanted to be song writers and work at a record label to talent management or development maybe even producing. We produced most of our own album. I just want to be a good mom. I don’t want to be gone all the time or have my kids on the road all the time. Plus you are touring a lot and we can’t be on tour together all the time. Now that Brae is pregnant thing might change and she might not want to do it. I don’t want to disappoint anyone or feel like we don’t appreciate y’all but we have to think about our family first.” I said tearing up. This would be a hard decision for us to make and we’ll talk about it later. “Well you don’t have to quick baby girl people do it all the time but it is yours and Braelyn’s decision and I will stand behind you. I think we can make it work so that we can make sure our family is perfectly fine. No need for team you cute little hot mess. We will figure this out later.” He laughed “You’re the only one I don’t mind calling me a mess.” I gave him a kiss and he wiped my tears. “Well that’s cause you’re my hot mess. Now you know your sister will be banging on that door any second now so get ready for lunch.” As he finished there was a bang on the door. I ran to the bathroom. “You better not still be in bed.” Brae said. “Well hello little miss sunshine. Always so pleasant.” BK said being a smart ass. “Hush it mister” She said “Whoa Brae don’t be mean to the boyfriend I’m never mean to Hunter.” I laughed “That’s because Hunter isn’t a smart ass like BK.” “That’s true love.” He shook his head and laughed.  “OK we have a lunch to get to.” I said “Yes and because of you we are late as always.” “You know it’s stressful going through everyday keeping myself from cutting you bitch.” I said and everyone laughed “Yeah I feel the same twinny but I love you so I’d miss you.” We laughed again. It is always laughs when we are together.

We got in the car and drove to this nice restaurant I didn’t see the girls. We walked to the back and everyone jumped out and yelled Surprise. I was shocked and so was BK because he didn’t even know I was coming. We saw that they through me a baby shower. I started crying because my mom and dad were there and Luke and Care. A lot of our friends and people from Nashville came all the way to New York. “Oh My goodness thank you guys so much. I’m so thankful for all you amazing people.” BK put his arm around me “Look what they did for us love. I wasn’t expecting a baby shower.” “I know baby girl I’m just as surprised as you.” He gave me a kiss and we went to say hi to everyone. Brae put a sash on me that said baby momma with a crown and BK got one that said baby daddy. “Hey Momma” “Hey sweetie how are you feeling?” “I’m good really happy you and daddy are here. I’ve missed y’all.” ”We missed you too.” I gave her a big hug and then hugged my daddy who was talking to BK they get along so well which is so well. “Hey daddy.” I hugged him and he kissed the top of my head. “Hey pretty girl. I missed you. I see your belly is getting bigger.” “Yeah daddy it is.” I laughed leave it to my father. I went to say hi to Luke and Care. “Hey LB, Hey Care bear.” I gave them both a hug “Dang Ashlyn your belly is huge.” Care hit him “Luke don’t say that she looks beautiful.” “I didn’t say she didn’t I just said she her belly got huge and I just saw her a couple weeks ago.” “Thanks Luke you sure are a charmer.” I laughed he started talking to BK and I went to look around. It was a princess and princes theme with everything pink and blue. It was beautiful. The cake was beautiful and it had sonogram and ultrasound pictures on it along with pictures of BK and I. I loved it. Justin took a picture of BK and I and I uploaded it to Instagram [Our Amazing Fam and Friends threw us a baby shower blessed with @PlaybkPlay #loved #Mybabies #familyfirst] The picture had a lot of likes instantly. The baby shower took a about 3 hours it was pretty quick cause the guys had a show. I got a lot of presents and stuff I was so grateful for everyone. We went to the Best Buy theater with everyone to get ready for tonight show. I tweeted [Love being surrounded by the ones I love. Life is better with them #blessed #FamilyFirst] Everyone was so excited about the show. I was so proud of the guys getting to play 3 shows in NYC it’s amazing. When we got to the venue I decided to grab a seat because I was kinda sleepy and my feet hurt. I propped my feet up and they were swollen. “Whoa girl you’re feet are swollen like balloon.”  “LB you’re an Ass and that makes no since.” He laughed “I hope you weren’t like this to Care when she was preggo.” “Ya think I’d still be alive if I was.” He laughed and sat down and put my feet on his lap then started to rub them. “I swear I have the best cousin in the world.” “Yes you do don’t forget that young lady.” “I won’t old man.” I laughed when Brae and Hunter walked in a got everyone’s attention. “Well we were gonna wait till Thanksgiving but since we are all here and Ashlyn is a blabber mouth and will spill before then we figure now is a good time.” I laughed because it’s true. “Well we are having a baby.” Everyone started clapping and momma and daddy went up to hug her. I think Luke was shocked. “Hey Luke you gonna be Ok.” “Um well I don’t know. I kinda wasn’t expecting that but I guess I can be happy and not kill him.” “Dang Luke the way the hump like horny jack rabbits I’m shocked it didn’t happen sooner.” “Damn it Ashlyn. I rather not think about you or your sister humping.” I started laughing. “Luke we aren’t like kids. We are grown there will be a whole lot of humping going on when these babies get evicted.” I said as BK walked up. “Right love.” Luke gave him the evil eye and BK just looked a little embarrassed. “Luke cut the shit.” I laughed “Now go tell Brae you’re happy for them.” “Yes miss bossy pants.” He said as he got up and kissed my forehead. “Your turn on those things she calls feet.” I threw a pillow at him. “Shut up Luke. I hate you.” “Love you Ashlyn.” He walked and gave brae a big hug. “So your feet hurt?” “Well they were starting till Luke rubbed them a little he’s awesome but don’t tell him I said that.” “Oh I would never baby girl.” He smiled “Luke Ashlyn thinks you’re awesome.” He yelled and Luke smiled his big cheesy smile. “Oh Brian Edward Kelley you are going to get it.” He was laughing. “I love you Ashlyn Ray Combs.” “I love you too asshole.” I smiled. It was almost time for the guys to go on so I put my flats on and walked over to do the pre-show ritual. Then they went out and rocked it. During their section when they sing different artist songs they had Luke go out and Brae, Hunter and I went out. It was fun being on stage. When they were done we went back to the hotel but our manager asked us if we wanted to do a short set of maybe 5 or so songs for tomorrow and the next day. We of course said yes because we needed to get another couple shows in before the album comes out.   

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