Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

Ash’s POV:

I’m glad that everything is out in the open everyone is being supportive about the baby but I still don’t know if I want to keep it but I don’t think I could have an abortion because it would be selfish of me. My parents and friends left the day after but I have been talking to the on face time and text messages. It’s July 17th and I’m in Nashville with Brae and BK because the next show isn’t until the weekend and I’m almost 7 weeks pregnant now. Ash has been on tour with Hunter since our birthday on the 12th so I haven’t seen her. She didn’t want to leave but I have BK so I’m fine with her leaving me. Especially because I know being with Hunter is making her so happy. I face time with her multiple times during the day so it’s like she never left. We got in BK’s truck and drove to the doctors. BK and Brae were excited but I was just not really excited. I feel like most women are excited but I was nervous because I had a feeling that I was having twins because I’m a twin and Jay’s sisters were twins. I just felt like I should be more excited but I really didn’t want kids anytime soon and I wanted to be married and a lot older than 19. BK has been amazing he is taking responsibility and helping me with whatever I need. The morning sickness isn’t as bad as in the beginning. I just feel like for us to just be starting a relationship I’m carrying a lot of baggage and he’s being awesome. I was staring out the window and BK tapped me “What are you over there day dreaming about” “How amazing you are. You really don’t have to do this, the baby isn’t yours and your takin responsibility and you don’t have to” “Hey missy, I care about you and I love that baby in your belly. I talk to it every day and it will be mine. I will take care of that baby and you for the rest of my life” I started to tear up a little bit “Oh these hormones suck. Why are you so sweet to me? ” “Because you deserve it baby girl, you deserve the world.” We pulled up to the doctor’s office we went in filled out paperwork and they did a urine and blood test to confirm I was pregnant. Trust me I took a test like every day hoping it wasn’t true, I joked with the nurse. She was confused but whatever. The dr. eventually came in and told me what I already knew I was pregnant and then she said that it is probably multiple but they will be able to tell with the sonogram. The dr. eventually started and then she was looking around and taking picture but she didn’t say anything. Then she started talking “Ok sweetie so I do hear 2 heartbeats and I’m seeing what could be two babies it’s a little early to tell 100 %. I would just prepare for twins.” She handed me the pictures and I suddenly it hit me I was happy about the babies and so was BK and Brae was excited that I might have twins. She is so awesome; she puts a smile on my face every day. We left the doctor’s office and I called and face timed everyone. They were all happy that the babies were healthy and that I was doing fine. We went out to eat then it was back to the house to pack and meet the bus for the next stop and Brae was going back to Hunter. 

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