Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Ashlyn’s POV:

We got up early and got on a jet to Nashville this week is going to be busy but not like the tour. We have practice for the CMA’s, studio time and some interviews. When we landed at 1130 we all went straight to our houses. I love being home in our cozy house. We walked into the house and dropped our bags at the door. I went and sat on the couch. “It feels good to be home, doesn’t it baby girl.” “Yeah it does. This is my sanctuary.” “Mine too; I love that we can just relax today.” “How long has it been since we did that?” “Forever babe, we are two very busy and important people.” “Sure if you say so, I agree with the busy part.” Just then the doorbell rang. “Seriously did they smell us?” BK laughed as he answered the door. He came back and handed me an envelope.  I opened it and my heart sank and I started balling my eyes out. “Ashlyn what is it?” I couldn’t even speak to tell him. “Sweetheart what is wrong?” I handed him the envelope and he read it out loud. “Ashlyn Ray Combs you have been served. This is to let you know that there has been a case opened against you for custody of unborn baby girl and unborn baby boy… You have the right to an attorney to council you on the next step…”  The letter also had another letter from Jay’s family. Saying these kids is the only piece of their son that they would ever have. It also said they know that he hurt me but don’t keep their grandchildren from them. BK just looked at me confused with tears in his eyes and put his arm around me and I just cried for a little while. “Sweetheart it will be OK we will get through this. These are our babies and they can’t have them. I’ll be damned if that family even gets to see them at all” then he kissed my forehead and held my tight while I continued to cry. This makes this situation worse. I have been able to put the whole thing in the back of my mind and really consider LT and Tae to be mine and BK but that’s not the truth. I’ve been lying to myself to make it through it. “Ash you have to stop crying, you’re gonna make yourself sick” I tried to pull myself together it was hard I was so upset. “I’m sorry babe.” “Don’t be sorry. No need to cry we will take care of it and we will get through this.” “I know BK but it just sucks. Why are they doing this to us? I just don’t need this right now.” “Tomorrow we will take care of this. Today we will take a nice bath, Sit in front of the fireplace and order takeout” I gave him a kiss “You are perfect babe, I love you so much you always know the right things to say. I can’t be sad too long because I have you and I am thankful for that everyday” He gave me a passionate kiss “I love you too sweetheart, you are the best thing to happen to me. Even though you are a hot mess” I hit his arm and he gave me another kiss and went to run the bath.  He really is the best thing to happen to me. I don’t know if I could have made it through this without him. He was there for me since day one and he didn’t even know me.


Well this is a short chapter but I should be updating again later. Thank you to everyone reading this. You guys are amazing!!!! 

SO what do you think will happen next?? If I see a good suggestion I might use it. See ya Lata!! 

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