Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Ashlyn’s POV:

Well I woke up in a hospital, Cool. When I started to wake up I heard BK’s voice I was happy about that. I think he was talking to a doctor or something. Then I heard everyone come in I finally opened my eyes and everyone was there and BK was sitting by my side. “Hey sweetheart” “Where are we?” “In the hospital in Milwaukee” “What the hell happened” “You passed out baby girl” “What? Are the babies Ok?” “ Yes they are but you aren’t.” “Um ok what’s wrong with me” “Well someone hasn’t really been taking good care of themselves” “What are you talking about babe” “You over did it and wore your body down. You were exhausted, dehydrated and apparently not eating right. The doctor said you had low blood sugar and your blood pressure was high again.” “Well that’s not too bad” I tried to lighten the mood but he didn’t think it was very funny. “it’s not a joke baby. You have to take care of yourself. I don’t want anything to happen to you or our children.” “I know baby I’m sorry. I’ll take it easy.” Braelyn butts into the conversation “Yeah you will crazy, we are not doing shows every night. You need to take it easy.” “But what about you sis?” “This is about you and my niece and nephew. That’s more important than this tour. We will tour again.” I think I could make it through but I guess the group has made this decision for me. I’m glad there is a backup plan and we are heading back to Nashville. “Now when can I leave? You guys have a show to get to.” “I’ll go get the doctor” BK said. I hate hospitals and they are only releasing me because Allie is back with me. I’m just really happy that the babies are OK I need to take better care of myself because our babies need us.

We got back to the venue and Hunter had to get ready to take our spot. He is amazing so a last minute show is nothing for him. I went into the backstage lounge area and sat down with my feet up. “Hey Ashlyn Call Luke he’s probably losing his mind now” “Ok babe I’ll do that now.” I took out my phone and I had a lot of messages from Luke and my parents. I called Luke <Ashlyn, What happened? I’ve been so worried about you> <Well apparently I didn’t listen to my body and I pushed myself passed the limits> < I knew that would happen. You are too stubborn sometimes sweetheart> < I know Luke, but everyone decided that we wouldn’t be performing every night and when we do it will be a short set> <That’s good I think it’s best for your health. But how do you feel about it?> <Honestly I hate it. I think I could make it and it’s not fair to Braelyn. I mean it’s only like a month more.> <See what I mean by stubborn. You need to worry about yourself and the babies Braelyn will be fine. She wants what’s best for you.> <I know Luke. Well I’ll see you when we get back in town. Love ya bye” “love ya too bye” I hung up the phone and went to find Brae. “You should be sitting down missy” “Sorry mom” “How you feeling now sis” “I’m feeling ok. I’m a little tired. Just wanted to make sure you were ok.” “Please for everything the love of everything, stop worrying about me and everyone else. Right now is the perfect time to be selfish. I am fine with not playing that many shows. You need to take it easy. It’s fine” “Ok just wanted to make sure. I will take better care of myself. We are trying to keep these babies in till the end of December. They need to be born before or after the national championship.” You are crazy.” “Well since it looks like FSU is going to the national championship. We wouldn’t want to miss that. I might have to cross my legs till the game is over. Like No the babies are not coming out now.” “Yeah Ok Ash. I’m predicting December anyway but hopefully not on the 22nd.” “Yeah that would be another leg crossing day.”  We continued to talk for a little but then I went to lie down before I got yelled at again. I decided to put up a post on Facebook and linked it to twitter on our group page. [Well today I ended up in the hospital b/c of exhaustion. So tonight the lovely people of Milwaukee will be getting a surprise. We might have to pull out of some of the shows coming up. I apologize for this but I have two little ones depending on me. I have to listen to my body and slowdown.]  

As I finished the post BK walked over he lifted my legs up and sat down then rested them on his lap. “Hey babe how you feeling?” “I’m fine just a little tired I’ll probably take a nap after I eat in a bit.” “Ok you need me to get you anything?” “No I’m good baby. I’m sorry about today.” “You don’t have to be sorry Ash; you just have to take better care of yourself. You scared the shit out of me today. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you or the babies.” “I know baby I was trying to do too much and should have listened to my body. But I didn’t and that won’t happen again I promise.” “Just making sure baby girl, I love you and our babies so much.” “I love you too babe; I was thinking maybe I should stay home for a little while after the CMA’s.” “That’s fine baby girl it’s up to you.”  I’d rather be on tour with BK and everyone but I think I should take some time off from the road. I also think Brae and I could record some of the new stuff we wrote. I got some food and went to the bus to sleep. We were getting on the plane early in the morning. I figured I’d get some sleep. I think I slept for a little while the Sam came in. “Hey girl you up” “Yes ma’am I am” I said with my sleepy voice. Sam Sat next to me on the bed “I just wanted to check on you since we haven’t seen you in a while. The boys are almost done with their set.” “Oh cool and I’m feeling better. I had a good nap just ready to sleep in a real big bed.” “Yeah me too Ash I love when we get to go back to Nashville except for actually having to go into my office.” “Well at least you get to work from the road Sam. It’s really cool.” “I’m glad to that’s why I don’t like to go into the office.” I laughed “Well I’ll let you go back to bed. You need anything?” “No I’m good girl.”  About an hour later BK came walking in. He climbed in bed next to me and kissed my head and we fell asleep. 

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