Chapter 11

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Ash’s POV:

I woke up in BK’s arms and that was the best night sleep I had in a while.  We were about an hour or so from our next spot in Charlotte. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. “How’d you sleep Ash?” “I got the best night sleep I’ve had in a while because I was in your arms. How did you sleep Love?” “Great. And waking up to your beautiful face makes it ten times better. “ “Aw you are too sweet” “Oh and by the way Happy Birthday sweetheart” “Thank you, It’s not that big a deal though.” “Oh yes it is, but you know we have to talk to Luke and Brae about what happened to you and what’s going on with you” “Yeah I know but I’d rather wait because I don’t want to ruin our birthday for Brae. I’d also like you to tell them and I’d rather not be there because I will probably just cry the whole time.” “I can do that for you, I’d do anything for you Ash” I really didn’t want to tell anyone else but I know I would have to because eventually I will have to decide what to do with this baby.We decided to just lie in bed till we got to the venue. I was so comfortable and I really didn’t want to get up. I was crazy to think we could just have this moment.  

Brae’s POV:

I woke up to a text from Hunter <Happy Birthday Babe!! Can’t wait to see your beautiful face, I should be in town by 1> < Thank you sweetheart. I can’t wait, I’ve missed you so much> I got out of bed and was going to jump on Ash because I thought she would be hung over but she wasn’t in there. I got up and was on my way to the bathroom when I heard her talking to BK. she was in his bunk with him. I really hope she didn’t do anything with him. I think Luke wouldn’t approve of that he is supportive of my relationship but he thinks that he’s too old for me and BK is older but whatever. I went to the bathroom and came back and decided that I should bother them. I knocked on the bunk and opened the curtain and yelled as loud as could “Happy Birthday Twinny” Ash looked at me and smiled which I wasn’t expecting but I was happy I didn’t get my head bit off. “Happy Birthday Twinn, I love you” She was being very chipper and she even gave me a hug. “I love you too Ash” Just as I said that she took off running into the bathroom and I heard her throwing up. I just looked at BK and rolled my eyes. “How much did she drink and what did you do last night” “She didn’t drink last night, she might be getting a stomach virus. Plus we didn’t do anything, we talked and she was upset so we cuddled and went to bed. I really like her but we are just friends for right now because she has to conquer her demons.” “Oh I’m sorry I just know when she drinks she doesn’t think about things. Did she open up to you last and tell you what is wrong with her?” “Yes, but I promised I wouldn’t say anything till she I ready but she says she hasn’t been drinking for about a week now” “That’s good I guess.” I wondered why she opened up to him and not Luke or me but as long as she talked to someone I guess that’s a start. I hope she really did stop drinking but I don’t know if I believe it. I walked over to the bathroom “Ash you OK?” “Yeah I’m just feeling a little sick that’s all” “I’ll go get you some water” “Thank you Brae”

Ash’s POV:

I ran to the bathroom and started puking my stomach out. I barely had anything in here but I just kept dry heaving and then throwing up and the cycle continued. Brae knocked on the door and she went to get me water. BK came in and was rubbing my back. “You gonna be ok?” “Yeah I guess it’s something I’ll have to get used to.” I looked up and smiled and then continued to throw up “Maybe if you eat something it might settle your stomach sweetheart” “Yeah I guess we can do that” We walked into the lounge and kitchen area and BK made me oatmeal and toast. Brae was asking me question about what I thought was wrong with me. I told her I don’t know I just didn’t feel well and she wanted me to go to the doctor. I know I should because I haven’t gone and I’m probably almost a month along but that would make it real. I told her not today. I was surprised that I was able to keep the food down. BK sat down and ate with me and when he was done he put his arm around my shoulder. He was really sweet and as hard as I was trying I was falling for him. We finally arrived at the Venue and we got off the bus and went to see Luke, Care and the boys. When we got off Luke came running up to us Gave us a big hug and was screaming “Happy Birthday Fireflies I love ya” We thanked him and he said he had a present for us. “Here I got this for you girls because I’m the best.” “Don’t you mean we’re the best since it’s our birthday” He smirked “Nope I’m the best but you girls are a close second I guess.” We laughed and he handed us our presents they were custom guitars because we had old ones. We thanked Luke and just hung out for a while with everyone.


As everyone was hanging out I went to talk to Tyler. “Hey T” “Hey what’s up BK, SO I noticed you had a pretty young thing in your bed this morning. What happened between you guys? Did you finally kiss her?” He smiled and I laughed. “No I didn’t kiss her as much as I want to I don’t think it’s the right time.” “Man, you gotta just do it. She must like you if she slept in your bunk last night” “I don’t know she told me some heavy stuff last night and she was crying real hard so we just lay down and she went to sleep. But I really like her T, I’m falling for her and I’m falling hard” “What kinda heavy stuff? And if you like her and she likes you then I don’t see what’s stopping you guys.” “Well I can’t tell you know I have to wait till later because she doesn’t want to ruin today for Brae and there is a lot stopping us. One big thing is Luke, he might kill me but I can’t help how I feel.” “I don’t think Luke would kill you if you really like her and take care of her.” “Yeah” As we finished talking I couldn’t keep my eyes off her even though she was wearing legging an a tank top with her hair up in a messy bun and no makeup she was the beautiful girl I have ever seen. She must have seen me staring so she walked over. “Hey Handsome, did something catch your eyes” She smiled that smile that melted my heart. I looked in her beautiful Hazel eyes “From the first time I seen you my little hot mess” She laughed and gave me a hug “We’re going to head in and find the shower area because I really do look a mess” She laughed “You look perfect beautiful” She gave me a kiss and went to go shower. Tyler was still standing there “See BK she likes you, you need to just kiss her” “maybe I’m so confused. Well we should go get ready for today. Luke wanted to do cake and a BBQ for the girls.” “ OK man” I knew T was right but I needed to talk to Luke because I don’t want him to be mad. 

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