Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ashlyn’s POV:

I was dreading getting up because I was hung over and I think the rents knew because they spent all morning yelling. I had some issues with alcohol and drugs in the past and it landed me in therapy and a summer rehab camp for young girls. That place sucked. Last night something’s happened and I had to drink to forget and get through it. I’m just going to keep it to myself and try and drink it away. Why does all this bad stuff happen to me? I finally got myself out of bed and got showered and dressed then went down stairs. “Drinkin again huh Ash, That’s a great way to start our summer vacation” “Shut up Brae I’m really not in the mood for your shit” “Watch your mouth young lady” my mom yelled to me “Gosh mom please just shut up.” I’m really not in the mood to deal with them. I grabbed some breakfast and we were on the road to the airport. I made sure to fill my travel sized shampoo bottles one with Vodka and the other with tequila. We got to the airport and Brae and I barely talked which was good because she already pissed me off and I’m not in the mood for her self-righteous attitude. We said good bye to momma and daddy and they tried to lecture me about not drinking and blah blah blah. I gave them a hug and kiss and Brae and I were on our way. Luke got us first class on a direct flight so it will only be like 3 hours. We made it through check in and finally boarded the plane. We got on the plane and once it was in the air I got some cranberry juice and added my vodka to it. I don’t think Brae noticed or she just didn’t say anything. Either way I was happy. We finally landed in Illinois and Luke sent a car to get us it was a couple hour drive to the bus but I didn’t mind I had my drink and then I took a nap. 

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