Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Brae’s POV:

Tonight has been perfect my sister and I performed and I think we did amazing. My social media was going crazy and there were a lot of videos put up of us singing. People were saying the nicest things and some hated but that’s expected you can’t please everyone. This has been the best Birthday that I have ever had and I’m so happy that Hunter was here for it. We were sitting around the bon fire “Hey baby I’m so happy that you are here. Today was made better by sharing it with you.” “I’m glad I could see your beautiful face on your special day” “I ‘m just sad that you are leaving tomorrow to go back on your tour.” “You could always come with me baby girl. That would be perfect.” “You sure? I would love to but I have to talk to Ash and make sure she will be alright. I’m sure she will because she has BK but I don’t just want to leave her. “ “I know baby just let me know. So when do you want to head out to go to the hotel?” “Let’s hang for a little while till my rents and friends leave.” “Ok babygirl.” “Have you seen Ash? I don’t see her anymore” “I think she walked off with BK a little while ago. She didn’t look so good” “Oh ok, I’ll go find her in a little bit.” We talked and then I saw BK coming back so I walked over to him. “Hey BK where is Ash?” “She’s not feeling well Brae so she’s gonna just go to bed” “Oh I’ll go check on her” “she’s fine I walked her to the bus but I need to talk to all you so please don’t disappear.” “Ok is everything ok” He just nodded and I went and sat back down next to Hunter. I was wondering what BK could possibly have to say but I figure it was about Ash. He started talking and by the end I was angry, sad and mad at myself. I was crying and hunter was trying to console me. My sister was hurting and I was judging her.

Bk’s POV:

Ash was feeling sick so she went to lay down I was getting nervous because I didn’t really know how to tell all these people that care about her what happened. I thought it would just be Brae, Luke, Care and the guys but now her rents and best friends are here. I knew I had to so after I gave Ash a kiss I walked back to the bon fire where everyone was hanging out. “OK so guys Ashlyn went to lie down because she’s feeling sick and she asked me to talk to everyone about what is going on. She has been having a hard time ever since graduation because at her party something terrible happened to her.” Everyone was staring in shock and I told them what happened to her and how she was pregnant and everything I could think of to tell them. I could see they were confused, pissed and sad. Brae was crying and I had tears in my eyes and so did Luke. Luke was turning red “I will Kill him; I swear I will kill him and everyone involved. How could she not say anything? How could we not know? We treated her so bad and she was trying to be so strong.” Just then Mack and Carolyn were whispering and the Carolyn started speaking. “Luke you don’t have to kill him or any of them because about a week ago they were drinking and doing drug and got in a car and they got in a bad wreck and none of the survived. We weren’t going to tell Ash because it wasn’t that important. She didn’t need to know.” We all just looked at each other. I know it’s not good to be happy that people died but I am happy that they can’t hurt anyone else. We all just sat around talking trying to figure out what we could do to help Ashlyn. Everyone decided that we would just let her sleep tonight and talk to her in the morning.

Everyone left and went to wherever they were sleeping and I went to go sleep next to my beautiful girlfriend. When I got to the bus she was lying in bed but she wasn’t sleeping. I hoped she was so I could post pone telling her what her mom told us. “How’d it go Love?” “Umm a lot of tears, anger and everyone are sorry that they were treating you bad.” “I deserved it I was an asshole and drinking a lot what happened to me doesn’t excuse that. Is Luke going to be on the next plane to New York.” She laughed a little. “No He’s not because there would be no point” She looked at me confused “What do you mean” “Well they are all gone.” “What they all moved out of town or something?” “No sweetheart they all died in a car wreck.” “What?” “Ye your parents told us after I spilled the beans.” “Well then. Let’s go to bed then Love.” “Ok baby girl.” I knew she was relieved deep down because she didn’t have to worry about pressing charges or going to court. I lay down next to her and kissed her softly then I fell asleep running my hands through her hair. She is all I ever wanted in a girlfriend even though she has her demons she is the sweetest, kindest, fun loving girl I know. She has eyes and a smile that make me fall for her more and more every day.  

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