Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Back in Nashville

Ash’s POV: The first week of the tour was crazy and after what happened at the first meet and greet we were all over the country news outlets and some other music outlets. The girl tweeted how she was assaulted and that we are horrible people and don’t care about fans. Brae and I refused to give her the time of day on twitter. We had a radio interview and our publicists said not to talk about it because the girl was trying to sue us and whatever. She was crazy anyway. We have a lot of witnesses and all her friends apologized and she is still being nothing but a nasty human. I loved radio interviews because I didn’t have to look as good as in TV. I put on a pair of leggings, a nice flowing shirt and my boots. I wore my hair up with a headband and put on a jacket. I couldn’t look like too much of a bum because they would be taking picture. We got to the radio interview this was where we would announcing the day the album will released. We did all the radio shows and call ins where we announced our first album would be out at the December 20th. It was crazy how fast all this was happening but it was amazing. I just really wish sometimes I wasn’t pregnant. I’m happy and I love my babies but it would be easier for me but I’m pushing through. Allie is always worried and if my blood pressure is a little high she freaks out. The babies are healthy and when we can we get in to see a doctor in the office to run test and take blood.

Today we have an appointment for a 4D sonogram. Those things are so cool. They said I could invite as many people as I want to be there. Um yeah big mistake because I invited everyone and they are as excited as BK and I. I invited Braelyn, Hunter, Luke, Caroline, Sam, Ty and of course Allie so it was going to be a big party. “Ashlyn Ray get your lazy but out of bed, we have to get going” I forgot to mention I was still in bed. I loved our bed and it’s rare that we get to sleep in it. I was milking this for all it’s worth. “Ashlyn Don’t make me come up there young lady” “Seriously you sound like Braelyn. I’m getting up.” “Well if you want breakfast get up”  “Well since you mentioned food” I heard him laugh and I got and got dressed as fast as I could. “That was the fastest I’ve ever seen you get ready.” “I know but you said food and now I’m starving” We got in BK’s truck which he helped me into and met everyone at breakfast. We said our hellos and sat down. We were talking about the Ty and Sam’s wedding and they decided to make it small and intimate. We were going to have it on Ty’s property has about 10 acres so we have room to play. It’s really nice they are getting married on the 22nd because everyone will be on break from tour and able to go. I’m so excited except for the fact I’ll be really preggo and about to pop. We all put our ideas out there for the wedding and we’d make decision later. It was 130 by the time we were done eating because we spent most of the time talking and laughing but my appointment was at 2 so we had to go.

We arrived at the doctors where they were shocked at the crowd. “Wow you sure have audience, young lady” The nice older nurse said with a smile “Well y’all said I could bring as many people as I wanted. SO bought my family” “That’s fine sweetheart. We just have to run some test so you and the baby’s father or whoever you want can come back first.” I grabbed BK’s hand and we started to walk back to the room. “I’ll come get you guys when she’s all set up” They all nodded in agreement. We went back and they made me pee in a cup, took my blood, did measurement. All that official doctor stuff they have to do that I won’t go into. Then they set the room up for the 4D sonogram and went and got the rest of the crazies. “Now there will be no crying the first person to cry owes me $200.” They laughed “No but seriously! No crying” They started to move around the thing to find the babies. They found Lucas first and you could see his cute little feature. I’m gonna hold it together. Everyone was amazed and this was a cool thing I got to share with them. They took a lot of pictures and videos. At one point he was sucking his thumb. He even showed us what it looks like when he kicks the crap out of me. I started to tear up. “I guess I owe myself a $200. He is precious. I can’t wait to see him.” Then I looked away from the screen and everyone was passing tissues. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room even the tough country boys are tearing up. “Ok you have a healthy little boy let’s go ahead and find this little girl who is hiding from us.” The nurse said with a smile. She was moving the thing around and finally there was my little princess. I love getting to actually see there features. Hopefully they look more like me and my family because I don’t want them to look like Jay. She is perfect in every way. She wasn’t moving as much as Lucas but she would look like she was striking a pose for the camera. “BK she thinks she’s a model at a photo shoot. You’re going to have your hand full” “Yeah I can see that Ash. She’s going to be a handful like her momma.” “Thanks babe.” The nurse finished up and when we were almost done the babies actually grabbed each other’s hands and then cuddled. It was the cutest thing. I lost it and couldn’t hold back the tears. No one else could either. Even the nurse actually started tearing up also. “This is amazing I’m glad I got to share this with my family. I love you guys.” They all gave me a hug and kiss and left so we could finish the appointment. As I was getting dressed I was talking to BK “This was amazing baby, Thank you for setting this up for me.” “Anytime I knew you would like it sweetheart.” “I can’t wait till they are here and we get to hold them and see their precious faces.” “I know but let’s not rush it you still have a couple months. The doctor said you should take it easy so I don’t know if you should perform every night” “I have to for Brae it’s her career too. We need this.” “Yeah but you did most of the tour with Luke and you are already hearing high praise you can tour next year when the babies are here.” “I need to talk to Brae and see what she says.” “Ok babe we can always ask Tyler Farr or Dallas smith to join us on the tour.” “I love you but you really do worry too much” “I have to because you are so care free that one of us has to worry a little bit. And I love you more sweetheart” We walked out and told everyone bye because I was hungry again and we had to pack and get back to the bus to take the long drive to the next show. “Bye LB and Care we’ll see you when we get back in town. Love you guys” I gave them a hug and kiss goodbye. BK and I drove home and got our stuff then stopped for food and went to the bus. Today has been amazing. I had to share with the world. I went on my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and posted picture of the babies we got at the end with them holding hands <4D sonogram today with @PlaBKPlay we got to see our little ones LT and Tae. This was amazing and glad I got to share it with my family. Love you guys #notadryeye #memories.> my phone started to go crazy. Fans were commenting how they love that we share these thing with them instead of getting paid. The people are getting nicer about us. It was sweet. I got a message <Wow congrats @Ashlyfirefly and @PlayBKPlay you’re having lovely little aliens.> I laughed and showed BK <Well if it isn’t the drunk old man @blakeshelton spreading the BS. You are the sweetest and we love these little aliens with all we have.> <Haha, I’m happy for you guys. Can’t wait to see you.> <Love ya B.S  J> OMG he is too funny he’s like the drunk creepy uncle who you love because he’s so funny. 

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