Chapter 6: Arguments and friends.

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Three years later...




"Your sixteen!"

"Oh, get real, you had a ship when you were my age!"

Yeah, that was our argument.

The Blaze had kinda...


Well, obviously not, but it got broken.

I used it on some missions, and that was that.

So, I began to beg Hera to get me a ship for my seventeenth birthday.

Yeah, that was working about as well as I expected.

"No, Sabrina. We need to use our money wisely."

I put up a hand. "Okay, fine. Your just upset that I'm more talented than you."

Yeah, she wasn't happy to hear that.

And somehow our argument about ships got into yelling about anything and everything.

"Well, why can't I?" I asked.

"Because!  We need to use our credits for supplies, weapons, fuel, and recruiting people. Also, we're rebels! We're already in enough danger as it is, and I don't want you to get in anymore than you need to." Hera sighed.

I rolled my eyes. "The credits, huh? It's always about the credits."

"Sabrina, did you even hear the last part of what I just said?"

I put my hands on my hips and glared. "Yes! But you ain't my momma, so why should you care what danger I get in?"

"Because your a sixteen year old girl who can't quite handle herself yet, so I don't want you dead." she snapped.

"I can't handle myself? What world are you living in, lady? I lived by myself ever since I was ten, because by the time I turned ten, my dad couldn't figure out how to be quiet and not get us in trouble. So I know plenty about taking care of myself!" I yelled.


"I see where you get your mouth from, then. Your dad."

"Okay, Hera, let me tell you somethin'. You can never talk about my dad. Ever. And just because your older than me doesn't mean I can't break you apart if you talk smack about him."

Yeah, that went about as well as one would expect.

"Kyliera! Kylie, let me in!" I yelled, banging on her and Kari's bedroom door.

"Yes?" the seven year-old asked, opening the door a tiny bit.

"Your sister is out to get me! Let me in!"

"Sorry, but sissy isn't scary. Bye!"

And she shut the door on me.

So I went to my room, well, Kanan and I's, but he wouldn't open the door, and neither would Zeb.

So my only option was Kari.

"Kari, I know you hate me, but Hera is on my tail so if you don't let me in and I die, its all your fault!" I yelled at the door.

It opened, and I fell on my face.

I quickly recovered, and rushed inside. The second I did the door locked behind me.

"Okay, talk." Kari ordered, and plopped down on the bottom bunk of her bed.

I sighed, "Hera and I are fighting right now."

She rolled her eyes, "Like, duh. And you probably deserve it, too. So what did you say?"

"If I tell you, you'll send me out to the lion."

Silence for a while.

"I don't hate you, you know."

I looked up with a confused look on my face as I stared at the seventeen year old.


"I don't hate you, Sabrina. You think I do, but I don't."

I raised an eyebrow, "Kari, that's the way you act around me."

Kari sighed. "Yeah, but I'm not trying to come off as a jerk or anything like that, you know."

"Well, then why be mean to me?" I asked, sitting down beside her.

She shrugged. "I try to be nice to you. I guess I just get it from my dad. He's not the sweetest guy."

"Well, who's your dad?"

"Cham Syndulla."

I nodded. "I've heard stories about him. Isn't he the famous war hero who hunted down Vader and protects Ryloth?"

Kari nodded. "Yeah, that's him. He's also too busy to take care of his own daughters."

And that's how I found my self giving her a hug as she started to sniffle.

Yeah, me hugging Kari.

Who would've thought?

"Shh. It'll be alright. He's just trying to do the right thing. Like we are."

She shook her head, and sighed. "You don't know him like I do."

"Well, I can relate." I softly said.


I paused for a minute, thinking I shouldn't be telling her this. Yet I did.

"My dad is too busy also. When I found you and Kyliera, I was twelve. He meant well, but..."

Later that night...

"Girls, dinner's ready, come and get some before Zeb eats it all!" Hera shouted.

"Coming!" we chorused, and I glanced over at the holonet and blinked.

"Did we really just talk for hours?"

Kari nodded and smiled. "Yep. Remember what I said when we first met, about us not being friends?"


"Well, I guess I was wrong."

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