Chapter 25: The locket.

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"Uh... What's a code 4?"

I sighed, "It means that we got something or someone, and they look very dangerous!"

"Well, let's take a look at the guy!" Zack exclaimed.

As he walked away, I saw something glittering on the ground.

"Yo, Kari?" I asked.


"I thought that usually things aren't all shiny on Ryloth."

"They aren't. I've told you this."

"No, no no! I literally just found something on the ground. It's shining."

So Kari came over, then picked it up.

"Well, it looks like a locket. But it's not shining."

"But it is!"

"Maybe just in your imagination, Sab." With that said, she walked away.

"Your not helpful!" I yelled.

"I know!"

"Yo, Arianza!" I yelled to my other friend.

"She's busy!" Zack yelled back.

"With what?"

Arianza then came over to me muttering, with her hair a mess.

"Girl, what did you do?" I asked.

She held up a datapad with a mad scientist look.

"I have done it! I've cracked this mindless thing! Point one goes to me! Zero for the stupid piece of software!"

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Anyway, if your done winning pieces of plastic, because that makes so much sense to be celebrating, could you help me out and look at the locket?"

She did so, then shrugged. "Just a locket. Pretty, though. Very orange. And very shiny! Where'd you find it?"

"I thought lockets were always yellow."

"That one's not."

"Wait... You can tell that it's shining too?"

"Very clearly. The others can't?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Not even a little."

"Huh... Don't know."

"Should we look at it?" I asked.

She nodded.

I opened the locket, and there was a group of about six people sitting down on a couch.

One was a Torgruta. She was kinda tall, with a white lightsaber in her hand. She was in her early or middle twenties, it looked like.

Sitting beside her and holding her hand was a man with brown hair dressed up kinda fancy. Most likely, he was a senator. He was probably only a year older than her.

On the man's lap was a little Torgruta girl, cute as anything. She looked like she was only three. She grinned up at the camera, smiling sweetly.

On the Torgruta's lap, the adult one, was two kids. One was maybe three, and I didn't know about the other one. I assume she wasn't much older.

The three year-old put her arm around the other girl, who I assume was her sister, and headbanged, making her hair fly everywhere.

Yet despite the fact that the last one, due to being covered up by hair, was un-known,

I knew.

Just by the look on Arianza's face, she did too.

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