Chapter 8: Flirting and Sabacc.

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Four or five months later...

After a string of missions, Kari, Zeb, Chopper, Caleb, and I were hanging out at Old Jho's cantina on Lothal.

It was good, and we were having fun.

"Alright, people, I challenge you all to a drinking contest." I announced.

Before Caleb, well, Kanan, could say anything, I put a finger in the air and sighed.

"A child friendly drink, Kanan. I'm still only nineteen."

"Well, you aren't a child." he commented.

I simply rolled my eyes.

"Alright. Four sodas, Jho." Zeb ordered. A minute later, we were all racing each other to finish our drinks.

"Well, aren't you two girls looking fine this morning." a man said, walking over to us, with someone else by his side. The man had almost an afro, and had a smirk.

I choked on my soda a little, out of pure surprise. People didn't typically walk over and flirt with a stranger.

Kari, however, continued chugging her soda has if he wasn't even there, which was to be expected. She got that a lot, and once she would actually flirt back, things didn't go well very often.

So she avoided boys like, well, Afro.

Afro kept talking, I kept choking, Kari kept drinking.

"I win!" she announced a few minutes later, holding up her empty glass.

"Aw, man." I frowned. Then smirked. "Whatever, the whole point of the soda was to get you less up-tight."

"I'm never up-tight!" Kari disagreed.

The rest of us rolled our eyes.

"Okay, maybe sometimes. And how did you know my weakness?"

I shrugged. "Don't know. Everyone loves soda, so I gave it a shot."

"Anyway, you girls got names?" Afro's friend asked.

Kari frowned at him and was silent, but I wasn't.

"Yeah." I smirked. "We just won't tell you what they are."

He simply frowned at me and made a rather rude gesture.

"Love you too." I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, Afro?" Kari asked the rude guy's friend.

"I want to play some Sabacc. Any of you people like the game?"

"I'll play ya." Zeb smiled.

Ten minutes later...

"Uh... I bet... Chopper! And for you to have some time with Sabrina and Kari."

"What?!" Caleb, Kari, and I screamed at once.

"Well... Yeah. Look at my cards! I can't lose!" Zeb boasted.

We looked at his cards, and Kanan let out a whistle.

"If you lose-" I tried to earn.

"You will destroy me." Zeb sighed.

"Now, what makes you think that?" I smirked.

"Sometimes you scare me."

"Ah, yeah, I get that a lot."

So the minutes ticked by, and some people nearby were talking with stormtroopers, who were holding up a poster. Probably some wanted sign.

Sure enough, it was.

"Have you seen this girl?" A stormtrooper asked, holding up the poster.

And before anyone of us could say a word, Kari fled.

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