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So... I'm thinking about ending the book soon. I'm thinking about leaving it with thirty or so chapters, then ending it.

It's not that I don't have any ideas, but I don't want to use them all on one book, ya know?

It's not like I'm just gonna be totally done. I need to actually figure out my characters a bit more instead of just rolling with anything and everything.

Anyone up for a sequel?

And because I'm me, I'm probably going to be doing one anyway, although it might be really unpopular.

But hey, when has that ever stopped me?

And of course I'm continuing on the other books I got.

I might need some cover help when the new book comes along lol EzraBridger17.

And lothcatwillow88 lol could you help me come up with a name?

Okay I'm so sorry I'll stop talking.

Bye for now!

Hopefully see you next chapter!

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