Chapter 13: A secret revealed.

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"Sweetie, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm sure."

Kyliera was moving.

She decided that she wanted to back to Ryloth and give her dad another chance.

And if things went bad, then she knew where to find us.

No, literally, I gave her a tracker so she could track us.

Probably not safe to give that to a ten year old, but I did.


"Zack! I just realized something!" I yelled.

"What? Ah!" Zack screamed as he tumbled out of Hera's room...

And was pink...

"Question. How the blast did you go in there and get pink? I don't think you hooked up with any cotton candy recently."

"Ha ha, very clever. No, Hera pranked me."

"Hera pranked you? Are we talking about the same Hera? Maybe she has a clone and that's what happened."

Zack shook his head. "Nope. Don't ask. Seriously. Don't ask."

"Well, that's nice. Kari is still on Ryloth, and I need to drop Kyliera off, so yeah. Let's go bring her home."


We turned, and my mom was rushing toward us.


"Hi, mom. What's up?" I asked.

"Well... Since you have the Force-"

"What?!" Zack and I yelled.

"Okay, Sabrina, who's this?" she asked with crossed arms.

I crossed my arms back. "Okay, mom, this is my friend Zack Wren. Seems like that's a favorite question around here."

"Oh, don't get sassy with me. That's my job."

And of course Zack laughed.

"This is your mom? Ahsoka Tano?"

"Naw, I simply got another lady with my last name and who married my dad. Yes, that's my mom!"

"Okay! Well, nice to meet you, Miss Tano."

"Anyway, Sabrina, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

I looked at my mom, confused. "Go with you? To where? To do what?"

"A special mission."

"What kind of special mission?"

"The Jedi kind."

"But you aren't a Jedi." I commented.

"Ah, shut up. I'm looking for the last remaining Jedi, based on some things I found in an old Jedi Temple."

"Well, then can't you just send Kanan and Ezra?" I asked.

"Because I want to be with you."

I sighed, "Let me decide. Then I'll get back to you. Okay?"

"Okay." my mom smiled.

So our crazy group got on a ship and flew off to Ryloth.

We went around looking everywhere for Kari.

Just because the tracker said what planet doesn't mean it said where on the planet.

"Stop!" Zack exclaimed after a while.

"What?" my mom and I chorused.

"I hear music."

So we followed Zack. Eventually, we heard singing and talking.

"You must be insane!" A familiar voice was saying. "I don't have any friends anymore. At least, not from here."

Zack looked at me and I nodded.

So we rushed forward, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

Kari was acting nothing like herself, and she didn't look like herself either.

It was crazy.

"Sabrina!" she grinned, confidently rushing over to me, a flood of twi'leks behind her.

"Hi..." I mumbled. "What's with you? When were you confident and Miss Popular?"

"Since I ran."

"Yeah, why did you leave?" I wondered.

"Bounty hunters. And I'm not going to say anything else."

"Since when did you keep secrets from me?"

"Since now, silly." Kari giggled.

"Hey, babe!" a voice yelled, and some twi'lek guy came over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey, Yen!" Kari grinned, and he put an arm around her shoulder.

"This is Yendor, guys!"

"Hi..." we all gave a small wave. I was still concerned.

"Okay, yeah, that's nice. Hi, Yendor. Anyway, can I talk to Kari? Alone?"

Yendor shrugged. "Sure. Go ahead."

With that, I dragged Kari away.

"For real, though, what's wrong?'

She sighed and sat down. "Nothing. It's just..."

"It's just what?" I asked.

"You can't say this to anyone."

"I promise."

"Okay..." Kari took a deep breath.

"Come on, just tell me. You know I won't-"

"I lied. My dad had enough time to take care of me. I was reckless and went out on my own. I borrowed a ship, and-"

"Why are bounty hunters after you?"

First there was a silence.

Then a sigh.

"I escaped Jabba's Palace and now I'm a target for everyone."

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