Chapter 14: Two sides of her.

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Kari then sighed and shushed me.

"Yes! Don't scream!"

"Fine, fine. But what the flip? How did you end up there?"

Kari sighed again. "Because I did. I don't know how. I was unconscious​. I woke up, and I was in rags, so to speak. Then I woke up, and I was in Jabba's Palace."

"Do you know where he is now?" I asked sweetly.

"Oh, no, no, no. Sabrina, I know you. You will go and destroy him. We don't want Jabba goo!"

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"Of course I'm not, but don't go choke the slug or anything, please."

"Fine..." I frowned. "Now please tell me you'll get out of the pink dress soon."

"Of course I will. I'm only wearing this for Yendor."

"Huh. Never knew you as the kind to be different for a guy."

"Oh, I'm not." she shook her head. "It's for everyone here. Nobody knows how I really am. Besides you, my sisters, and the Ghost crew. Speaking of sisters, how long will Kyliera be here?"

"Oh, she's actually moving here. Yeah, sure threw Hera into a state of depression. And of course this is right after we rescued Kanan."

"Rescued Kanan?" Kari repeated.

"You weren't there for that. They were on a mission, I was chasing you, and he got captured by the Empire. And Hera got awfully upset." I explained.

"Ah. Gotcha. So... Why do you have Ahsoka Tano with you?"

"Remember..." I prodded.

"Wait! Isn't she your mother?"

"And now ya got it! I'm surprised how many people ask me that question."

Kari shook her head. "You really don't know how famous your mom is, do you?"

"I have an idea."

"Oh, honey, you really don't." she giggled.

"That! Stop that! I don't want giggly, fake you. I want you!"

"Well, girlfriend, this is the me that you get here on Ryloth. It's the me that everyone gets. It's for everyone's safety if they don't know who I really am. Flip, most people here don't even know my real name!"

"Since when were you a superhero?"

"Since now." Kari shot back.

"What do you call yourself?"

"Kristiana Syndi."

"People fall for that?" I wondered.

"Girl, not everyone is a senator's daughter."

I thought on that for a second. "True. Anyway, we should probably-"

"Sabrina! Girl I don't know!"

We both turned, and Zack was rushing into the room, my mom right behind him.

"What?" Kari and I chorused.

"The ship is broken!"

"How the flip did the ship get broken?" I asked.

"Uh... Hi." another voice mumbled.

"Who now?" I groaned.

"That would be the child." Zack nodded.

"Kyliera, did you fly the ship we brought?"

"Um... Possibly?" she asked.

"Well, this is just fantastic!" I yelled.

"Calm down, Sabrina!" Kari replied.

So, a few simple words later, and we all began yelling.

Yeah, rebels and being calm don't match.

"What crazy mess did I wander into?" yet another voice asked.

"Yendor! Hi, baby!" Kari giggled.

He raised an eyebrow at her sudden change in behavior, as did Zack.

"What's with her?" Zack and Yendor asked.

"Nothing's with her. Zack, did you fix the ship?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm still trying to."

"Well, hurry!" I snapped.

"Okay!" Zack snapped back.

"You people are crazy..." Kari mumbled.

"Yeah, so deal with it." I smirked.

"I'm so confused." Yendor sighed

"Anyway, until it's fixed... You can stay with us!"

I shrugged. "Sure! Let's do it."

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