Chapter 30:

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Once again, we pulled our weapons out.

"Who are you?" I growled.

The figure gave a laugh. "I'm none of your business."

"Sassy," I rolled my eyes. "Looks like I found a twin."

The person chuckled. "Not exactly."

"What's your name?" Ezra asked.

"Me? Well, just call me... Skita."

"How would you even pronounce that?"

I rolled my eyes again. "You wouldn't. It's obviously a fake name."

The so-called 'Skita' smirked. "Very smart. And very true. Perhaps you will know my real name later." Then, turning to 'Old Master', she asked, "Shall we go?"

The Zabrak that claimed to be named Old Master nodded. We walked a bit further and faced a big, stone door.

"How do we open it?" I asked.

"The Force?" Ezra shrugged. He then held out his hand and focused his energy on the stone door, but it wouldn't work.

Old Master sighed. "No. You must give in to your anger and frustration. You must have the potential to be a Sith in order to open the door."

"But my master says that anger and frustration are bad. He doesn't let them out either."

"What else does he not let you do?" Skita asked.

"Well, he follows the Jedi code. So no anger-"


"No emotions, but he breaks that one-"

"Not surprised."

"And no attachments-"

At that one I scoffed.

They all looked at me.

"What?" I asked. Then I smirked. "I had to. Ez, we both know he doesn't follow that one."

Ezra nodded. "Okay, true."

Old Master then lead us to where a Sith Holocron was. Thing is, it was too far away.

"You must now throw me over to it, and I will throw you."

"You look a bit too heavy for Ez to do that," I joked.

They both shot a look at me.

I smiled at Ezra. "Oh, you have strength. Don't know about Hornhead over here, though."

Old Master stared at Ezra. "Throw me over."

"Ezra, you can't trust a stranger with your life."

I wasn't exaggerating either. If that Zabrak threw Ezra and he fell, it could have killed him.

So he looked up and shook his head.

"No. I can't let you throw me."

Suddenly he looked mad and growled. Yes, growled.

"Man! You got some killer fangs, there! You should probably clip them," I smirked.

Ezra glared and pushed me behind him. "Sabrina, stay behind me. I don't think he's friendly anymore."

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "No duh, Einstein."

"Who's Einstein?"

Suddenly Old Master turned on his lightsaber and hit Ezra's face before either of us knew what was going on.

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