Stranded... With Him

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Hey! This is that new story that I have been talking about for like a couple months. I'm not sure if you'll like it.

So what I'm going to do is leave it up for a little while and see how many of you like it! I probably won't post another chapter until then.

Have fun reading! I hope you like it!

Comment. Vote.

Love, El


"Aria! Come on, breakfast is ready." Mom yelled. I smiled into the mirror. After smoothing out my skirt, I grabbed my purse and backpack. I set my bags by the front door and headed into the living room.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Mom handed me a glass of milk and a plate of eggs, toast, and bacon. This is going to be so good.

"Nora! Lets go!" Dad yelled then came into the kitchen. He kissed mom's and smiled to me.

"Morning, dad." I smiled. He set his coffee mug down then sat at the table with me.

"Morning, Air. Are you excited?" I don't know why he always asked me that. He knew that I couldn't wait.

"For our cruise in two days?! Duh." He laughed. My litter sister, Nora, entered the kitchen. She looked at me with an eye roll and grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate. Well good morning to you too, little brat.

"What time do you need picked up from practice?" Dad asked Nora. Unlike me Nora was athletic. I was nothing close to athletic. Not one bone in my body was made to play sports, which is why I was all about my academics.

"Five." She grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate and sat on the counter. Mom looked at her and she got off after a groan.

"We have to go!" I said and took a huge drink of my milk. I kissed my mom and dad's cheek. Nora waved goodbye to them and walked off before me.

"Have a good day!" Mom yelled. Nora shut the front door.

"Love you!" I yelled and grabbed another piece of the delicious bacon. I threw my bags into the backseat and then got in. I looked over to Nora and she had her ear buds in.

"I still don't understand why you have to take me to school." Nora complained as I parked. I looked to her.

"Well for one we are both attending the same high school. Secondly, if you would rather take the bus.."

"Fine." She got out of the car and slammed the door.

"And there she goes." I sighed to myself. I watched as she caught up with her friends. I opened the back door and grabbed my bags, slinging the purse over my body and the backpack on my shoulders.

"Air!" My best friends yelled and waved to me. I smiled and locked my car, before walking over to them.

My three best friends in the entire world. Sophie, Isatu, and Faith.

Faith and I have been best friends since Pre-K. She's the prettiest of the two of us. Her strawberry blonde hair and beautiful bright blue eyes make her popular with the guys. No, she's not like that. She just has a lot of guys that would kill to have her boyfriend's position. When she gets out of college she hopes to be a writer, or a drawer, or a photographer. She's not exactly one hundred percent sure yet.

Then there's Isatu. She joined Faith and I in the sixth grade, when she moved here. She's the funny one of us all. Her chocolate skin, burgundy brown hair, and brown eyes also make her more attractive to the opposite sex. Not to mention her shape, with competitive cheer and dance it treats her well.

Last but not least is Sophie. She moved here in the eighth grade. She has short brown hair and brown eyes. She loves the to talk to anyone, which makes her loved by everyone in school. If they don't love her, then there is something wrong with them. Oh, she dances with Isatu also. They are great dancers. Another amazing trait about Sophie? She's an amazing singer!

Then there's me. The nerd of the group. Straight As, almost perfect attendance, prom committee, almost every club I can join actually. I told you, I'm not athletic. I have dirty blonde hair that comes to my middle of my back, shaped into a V. Everyone says that my bright green eyes with some blue are beautiful. The girls say that I'm the prettiest of the group, but I don't see it, the three of them are way prettier than I. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm ugly. I just don't think I'm the prettiest.

"Aren't you excited?" Faith asked smiling hugely. They loved asking me this question also.

"For?" Sophie rolled her eyes at me. I pushed my hair back behind my shouders as the wind moved my hair.

"Your report in advanced English." Isatu said sarcastically.

"Your cruise! I know I would be if I was going on a cruise with Dean Grant." Sophie said in a daze.

"I'm excited, but not that he's going."

"Speaking of the sexy beast." Isatu said. I turned around to face the student parking lot. Dean hopped out of his jeep and slung his backpack onto one shoulder.

Yes, he's hot. Handsome. Whatever. I'm pretty sure that his bad boy reputation makes him hotter with the girls. He's wanted by every girl, except me. Even though he has beautiful brown eyes, it isn't enough. It's his personality- he's too cocky, self-centered, etc.

Our parents are best friends. Well his father and my father are best friends. Dean and I  used to be until his mom died and he stopped talking to me. He got worse when his dad decided to remarry. I don't know why, but he did.

"Get to class!" Our principle yelled to everyone. Dean's eyes met mine for a brief moment. "Now!" Faith pulled on my arm and we walked into the building.

"Isn't it three hundred and sixty-five?" I asked my math teacher, Mr. Kings. He stopped and looked back to the board.

"What?" He asked. I put my pencil down and pointed to the board behind him.

"If you-"

"No, it's three hundred and seventy-five." Dean said. I turned back to look at him. Is he trying to embarrass me?

"Three sixty five."

"Definitely not, princess." I clenched my fists. "You aren't multiplying correctly. Fifteen times twenty-five is three hundred and seventy-five." The whole class laughed at me before the teacher told them to stop.

"He's right." Faith whispered. I slouched down in my seat a little bit.

"Sorry." I muttered to our teacher. He smiled to me and went on. God, Dean. Really? 

I looked back to him. He was slouched in his seat and drawing on the desk. He looked up to me and winked. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

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