Present day

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"Callista, are you packing yet?!" Samantha yelled from downstairs. "Yep!" I yelled back. She stumbled into the room holding a bunch of clothes. "Samantha? Why are you carrying so much clothes?" I asked. "Cause we're going to college soon?! Bitch duh!" She yelled. I laughed. "Hey guys!" Connor said while hugging me from behind. "Hey babe" I said while kissing him on the cheek. "Your love shit is making me wanna puke!" She said. "We'll go ahead! I've been thinking about being a nurse so you might as well throw up!" I said. She rolled her eyes. We folded a few more clothes and then Samantha's phone rang. She gasped. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Marcus & Martinus" she said in a pissed off tone. "What the hell do they want?" I asked. "They wanna FaceTime us" she said. She hit the accept button. "Hey guys?!" They said. We just looked at them. "Sorry that we haven't been calling you guys recently, we've been really busy" they said. I heard some girls giggling in the background. "Oh really? To busy to keep that promise?!" I snapped at Martinus. "Well sorry! We are busy people!" He replied back. "Yep, to busy going off to parties probably drinking even though you're eighteen! Sleeping with girls! Having sex! Oh yeah I totally get it!" I said. "No, our jobs just don't give us a lot of time to call you guys!" Marcus said. "Yeah, and this is why you chose your jobs over us!" Samantha said. The boys were silent. "Martinus who are you calling?" A girl in the background said. "My Ex" he said. My face turned bright red. "Oh! Okay! Ya, hi! My name is my Ex now! Cause clearly you don't remember my name!" I said to Martinus. "I do too!" He yelled back. "Then what is it?!" I said. He sat there for a minute trying to remember my name. "Katherine?" He asked. I sighed a sigh of anger. "Nope! Its Callista! You'd remember if you weren't such an asshole!" I yelled. A girl appeared next to Martinus looking shocked at what I just said. "What did you just say bitch?!" She said to me. "Sorry but if you're trying to offend me then it's not working, and bitch is a female dog! But great job! You can identify peoples sex! Maybe you'll be able to identify your kids sex when you're older!" I said. She gasped. "Jackass!" I mumbled. "Well my names Abby, and if I see you talking to my boyfriend one more time then I will gauge your eyes out!" She yelled. "Okay, I rather be blind then have to see you!" I said. She gasped again. Another girl came in and kissed Marcus on the cheek. "Wow Marcus! You really are the shit I thought you were!" She said. "You guys are dumber than shit!" The girl said. "Really? If we were that dumb I don't think we would be going to college!" Samantha's said. Both the boys eyes widened. "What college are you guys going to?" They both asked. "Wouldn't you like to know!" We said. "No actually tell us!" Marcus said. "University of Michigan" we said. Their eyes widened. Oh shit!" They both said. We hung up right away. "Do you think what I think?" I said. "I'm mean yes usually we're practically twins!" She said worried. "Do you really think that they might be going to the same college as us?" I asked. "I don't know!" She said panicked. We called them back and they looked stunned. "Are you guys going to the same college as us?" I asked. "Uhhh... well..." Marcus said. "Yes" Martinus said annoyed I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Bye" I said while hanging up. Samantha started hyperventilating. "Sam, chill! We don't even have to talk to them!" I said. She kept panicking. I slapped her. "Samantha! Stop panicking! Why do you care so much about your Ex?!" I yelled. "I think... I think I might like him a bit still" she said quietly. My expression was blank. I walked out of the room and headed downstairs. Connor grabbed my arm as I was reaching for the doorknob. "Where are you going? You don't have to leave for college just yet" he said. "I wanna go spend the night at a friends house" I said. "Who?" He asked. "Sarah" I said. He sighed. I don't know why but I slapped him, not hard. I walked out the door and rang the doorbell. "Um... hey Callista?" She said. "Can I spend the night at your house tonight?" I asked. She nodded and I walked inside. "I'm soooo pissed right now! God damn! Samantha still likes Marcus, I'm going away to college and you're going to a different college, and on top of that THEY are going to the same college as us!" I yelled. Her eyes widened. "Oh hell no!" She yelled. She grabbed my phone and called Martinus and put him on speaker. Surprisingly he answered. "Hey?" He asked. "Asshole!" Sarah said. "What?" He said through the phone. "Leave my bestie alone and go ruin somebody else's life cause that's all you seem to be good at!" She yelled before she hung up. "Wow!" I said. She smiled and nodded. "That was straight up.... just like you!" I said. She smiled. We chilled for the rest of the night and it was the best way to say goodbye until winter break. I was happy for her. She was going to a great college! I wish I could say the same about myself. It's not that the college sucks, I'm going because I'm pursuing my dream of becoming a actress, dancer on broadway. The only thing that sucks is that I'm going to have to see my Ex and my besties Ex all the time. It's just bullshit! This time I won't be foolish. This time I'll watch out for my heart, I'll make sure it doesn't get hurt like last time. This time... I won't fall in love.  

If your confused this is the present day.😁

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