Oh shit!

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Today I was leaving for college and I was soooo excited! "Callista are ready yet? We're leaving soon." Samantha said. "Yep, I just have to pack a few more stuff and then load this all into the car." I said. She nodded and grabbed a few picture frames off her dresser. "Samantha can you look in the drawer? I think there's a few more pictures in there." I said. She nodded and stood up. There was three pictures. The first one was of me and Samantha. "I remember this!" I said while holding it. "It's when we went to that 5SOS concert!" Samantha exclaimed. I smiled, the second one was of me, Samantha, Connor, and Lucas. We Both smiled a sad smile and didn't say anything. The third picture was of us kissing Marcus & Martinus. I frowned. I looked at Samantha and something seemed to bother her. I hugged her and grabbed the picture out of her hand. "Don't let it get to you," I said "He's no use crying over." I said. She nodded, "It's just hard to see him move on." She said. I nodded.
"I know it is, it's hard for me too." I said. "Hey girls!" Connor said while walking over. "Hey." We said while wiping away our tears. "Did I walking on something or...?" Connor said. "No, we just aren't sure how to leave this place." I said. He nodded and hugged us both. "You guys are my best friends and if Lucas was here...," he said. "He would want you to know that too." He said. I nodded. "I just wished that I could say goodbye to him before he left." I sobbed. "I miss him, I miss my boi!" I said. Connor laughed a sad laugh as a tear fell down his cheek. He hugged us again. After we were done with our little episode we packed up and brought all of our luggage downstairs. "Wow! You girls have grown up so fast!" Mrs. Dunnero said while wiping away a tear. We smiled. "Have the best of luck in college! Chase your dreams!" She said while engulfing us into a hug. We smiled. "Thank you for all you gave to me!" I said while smiling. "You're welcome." She said while hugging me. "Anything for my favorite second daughter!" She said. I laughed. "Mom," Samantha said. "Samantha," Mrs. Dunnero said. Samantha gave her a huge hug. "Thank you!" She said. "You're welcome sweetie!" She said. Then Samantha said her goodbye to Connor. Then it was my turn. "Ugh! Do you really have to leave me!" He said. "Connor, you won't be that lonely! You're going to college next week." I said. He shrugged. "I know." He smiled. I hugged him and kissed him on his cheek. "I'll miss you bestie!" I said. "Bye! And if you find the love of your life at college he has to pass me first!" He hollered. I laughed. "Okay!" I smiled. Me and Samantha climbed into the uber and off we went. It was about an two hour drive of listening to music, talking about our classes, old memories, and what college will be like. Once we got there it was a beautiful campus! I smile widely. "This is amazing!" I said while taking it all in. "Agreed!" Samantha said. We pulled all of our luggage out and got our dorm key. We were in the same dorm so I was happy. We walked into our room, it wasn't small but it wasn't huge. It was just the perfect size for the both of us. I started setting up my side of the bedroom.
*Callista's Bedroom*

"How do you like it?" I asked

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"How do you like it?" I asked. "I LOVE it!" Samantha said. I laughed. "Do you wanna go say 'hey' to our neighbors?" I asked. She nodded. Our first neighbors were these two girls named Edie and Kaitlyn. They were super nice and we exchanged phone numbers. We met most of the people on our floor. There was this one boy his name was Theo. He was super sweet. We had some classes together so I was excited. Then we went to the dorm at the end of the hall. I knocked on the door. Me and Samantha's jaws dropped when we saw who was there. "Oh shit!" Marcus said. Me and Samantha's mouths slowly closed and it turned into a pissed off face. "Fuck!" I said. We just stood there in silence not sure of what to do. "Uh.. what do we do now?" Martinus asked. "I don't know? Is your bitch of a girlfriend here? I wanna whip her ass!" I said in a sassy tone. "I thought bitch was a female dog?" He asked. "It is, but you have to be specific when you use it. Here I was using it as in the cos word, but she wasn't specific so I just assumed that she meant female dog." I said with a raised eyebrow. He rolled his eyes and started to shut the door. I kicked open. "Don't close the door on me you fucking retard!" I yelled. "Wow! Look who learned to say words!" Marcus said. "Fuck off Marcus!" Samantha yelled. "Make me!" He said while walking closer. Then they both leaned in and kissed each other. Me and Martinus stood there in disgust. "I just threw up in my mouth!" I said. "Same." He said still shocked. I fire arose from the firing pits of hell deep in my body. I stormed into my room and shut the door. I flopped down on my bead. "This is going to be one hell of a year!" I murmured to myself.

Oh snap!!!😂

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