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I stumbled back at those words and caught onto the stretcher for support.

I looked at my lifeless body and touched my cold face once more. "Why?" I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek.

Then the truck stopped. The paramedics lifted me off of the stretcher and then it went white.

"Is this what happens when you're moving places in a coma?" I thought.

Soon enough the white faded and it turned into this dull, beige color. I was laying down on a hospital bed with tubes coming in and out of my body.

I was wearing a nasal cannula, I was in a light blue hospital gown that complemented my ghostly looking skin.

I noticed that I wasn't in any of my normal clothes anymore, but in a hospital gown. I walked over to a doctor who was looking at a chart that recorded my brain activity.

A nurse was beside him waiting for him to say something. "We'll have to put her in a CAT scan sooner or later." He said while still looking at the chart.

The nurse nodded and wrote something down. "Anything else?" She said while her pink pen hovered before the paper.

"We'll have to do surgery on her in an hour or so to fix her brain wave activity." He said while looking down at my still, lifeless body.

She nodded and walked out of the room. He stayed for a few more minutes recording data and then left.

The room was silent and I stood there watching my heart beat. The door opened and I turned around. 

I saw Martinus standing there with tears streaming down his face. His eye were full of worry, he walked slowly to my side and held my hand.

I he rubbed my hand in his own and cried. He touched my face and kissed my cheek, I felt nothing.

I walked to his side and put my hand on his shoulder, he didn't move. I cried silently even though no one could here me.

I wanted him to hold me and since I could go through things I had an idea. I laid down in the position where my real body was laying and I felt his hand touching mine.

I smile of sadness appeared on my face. "I'll be back soon, I promise." I whispered.

Everything became white and I started to freak out, I saw a figure above me. "It can't be time yet." I said in amazement as a familiar figure landed in front of me.

"Well it could be." They said with a booming but calm voice. "Grandma?" I asked in amazement. All she did was nod.

"I can't talk for long sweetie, but this is a very important decision." She said while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Well I don't know, can I see some of the after life first?" I asked. She sighed and thought for a bit.

"Only for a bit." She nodded. I smiled knowing that I could see my grandma for a bit.

I felt myself rise up in the fluffy, golden clouds, I felt like I was invincible. "Wow!" I said while looking around in amazement.

There were people of the young and old, boys and girls, but they were all wearing white.

They all had a glowing figure and they were all so happy it made me wanna cry with joy.

A boy my age came up to me and hugged me. "Who are you?" I said while I hugged him back. "I'm your brother." He said while breaking the hug.

"You don't look like my brother, and my brother would be way older than me." I said while I saw my older brother who died in war behind him.

"You don't know me, I'm you twin brother." He said. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. "I had a twin? But... but how did you-?" I asked be for he cut me off.

"They never told you but I know. They were both driving and got in a car accident. Mom was rushed to the hospital and they had to do an emergency C-section. You made it, but... I didn't." He said while taking a deep breath.

I started to shake from all the tears falling down my face. "Why did you die?" I sobbed.

"I already knew that I was going too. I knew that mom and dad were gonna get in that car crash and I wanted to be the one who died, not you. So when the time came I pushed you out of the way and he car hit me instead, so you weren't hurt badly." He said while rubbing my hand.

I hugged my brother. "What's your name?" I asked. He took a deep breath, "Callum." He said.

I smiled. "Callum." I said again. "My name's Callista." I said. He nodded. "I already knew." He said. "I also know that your boyfriends name is Martinus and you probably wanna be with him right now." He said.

I shook my head. "I wanna stay here. With Grandma and you." I smiled.

He heart warming smile turned into a frown. "No Callista. You can't come and stay with us. It's not your time yet. You need to go back." He said.

I shook my head. "But I don't wanna leave you! I'm staying!" I said. He shook his head again. "Callista! Life is a gift! You have so many laughs to laughs, so many cries to cry! Don't waste it! You'll see me again I promise but he, Martinus, needs you more than I need you. That's why you're going back." He said.

I looked down through the clouds and saw Martinus fighting back the nurses and doctors, he was being pushed out of the room cause my heart started to fail.

I nodded. "I'll go back." I said.

He smiled and then pushed me. I fell though the clouds and saw white.

"I'm going home."

Why love?(Sequel to What is love?)Where stories live. Discover now