I can't move

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It went black once again and I smiled knowing that I was back home. I felt my heart beat again, I felt Martinus sobbing into my chest.

He kissed my lips not expecting me to kiss back, but I did. He pulled away surprised and smiled. I smiled back too.

"Callista!" He said while hugging me. "Martinus! I'm still in some pain so not so hard!" I said.

He placed me down gently. "Sorry." He smiled. I smiled even wider too. I remembered my brother and seeing that wonderful life he was living, but I knew I would see him again.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked. He paused for a second to count. "About two weeks" he said. My eye widened.

"Two weeks?!" I said. He stroked my hair and nodded. His eye lit up when I was around him and I just knew it.

No matter how hard he tried to hide the fact I knew he loved me, and he knew it too.

"I love you." I said. He smiled, "I love you too." He said.

He leaned down and kissed me and I kissed back. He pulled away to let my tense body relax.

A doctor walked in and I smile as he saw me sitting there. "Good to see you awake Callista!" He beamed. I smiled.

"We just need to take a few more texts on you before we can send you home. You had surgery and you did a very good job in there. You might be a little sore and dizzy at first and weak, but you'll get better adventually." He said.

I nodded even though it hurt the back of my head a little. After explaining a few more things he left.

"I'm so tired." I said trying to rub my eyes. My arms wouldn't move. I tried to move my leg as and they wouldn't more either.

"Martinus!" I said panicking. "What?" He asked. "I can't move!" I said. "No you can you're talking!" He laughed. "No Martinus I can't move my arms or legs!" I said.

He pressed the emergency button and a nurse and doctor rushed in. "What wrong?" The doctor asked. "I can't move!" I said. The doctor walked over to me and grabbed a pin out of his coat.

"Tell me if you can feel this." He said. He pressed the pin against my arm and palm and then my calf and sole of my foot.

"I can feel it." I said. He put a hand on his chin and scratched his chin. "You're probably just weak and your nerves are still healing which is normal," He said.

"You will most likely be able to move soon." He said. I nodded and he left. Samantha and Marcus walked in and brought flowers and chocolate.

"Thanks guys!" I said. Samantha smiled and hugged me. "Thank god you're okay! I've been staying with Kaitlyn and Edie lately cause I'm so lonely there!" She said. Marcus frowned.

"You could stay with me!" He coughed and we laughed. "Nah! I much rather be with my gurls than be with the asshole who almost killed my friend!" She said.

"I'm really sorry Callista." Martinus said and looked down at the ground in guilt.

"It's not your fault." I said trying to make another effort to move my hand. But still nothing.

I tried and tried to just make my hand move and inch but nothing happened. I relaxed my tense muscles and just sat there.

My eyes felt heavy and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up Martinus's warm arm was around me comforting my cold body. I rubbed my eye.

"Martinus! I can move!" I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I buried my face into his chest. "I wuv you!" I said."I wuv you too!" He said.

Sorry for the short chapter I've just not been feeling good lately. I've been depressed lately and it sucks but I can't help it.

Why love?(Sequel to What is love?)Where stories live. Discover now