It didn't

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I walked into my bathroom and got ready. I fixed myself up and smiled at myself in the mirror. I posted a picture on Instagram...

 I posted a picture on Instagram

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@Callista.Jenson gonna go meet my
         baby down at the beach💙
@marcusandmartinus can't wait❣️
@Samantha.Dunnero on fleek😉
@anna_caru gurllll!!!🔥🔥🔥

I checked the phone and it was 9:45. "Samantha I'll be back around twelve!" I yelled while I opened the door.

"K! I might be out when you come back though!" She yelled while laying in the couch switching through the tv channels. "Alright!" I yelled.


I walked out to the beach and saw some lights. I started running towards it and soon enough I saw Martinus standing there smiling, he looked really nice.

I ran up and rapped my legs around him. I hugged him and then he kissed me. I smiled once again and then he let me down.

"Wow!" He said while scanning me. He paused at my chest and then smirked. "Once again a boy looks at my tits!" I yelled. He laughed and then kept looking at me.

I smiled as we made eye contact. "Your wonderful, amazing, curious eyes are so beautiful!" I said while walking even closer to him. "Well your eyes are large, gorgeous, and full of wonder!" He said while holding my arms.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He kissed me back and started smiling. "I love you Callista!" He said. "I love you too Martinus!" I said while kissing his cheek.

He kissed my forehead and i smiled. I looked around and the beach was pretty much empty. I smirked. "So whatcha wanna do?" I smirked.

"I dunno. Whatch wanna do?" Martinus asked. "Wanna go swimmin?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He sighed.

"You realize that your really hot! And when your being to hot for me to handle I get breathless!" Martinus said while bending over pretending to catch his breath.

"Yup! That's why I torture you! Muwhahaha!" I said while rubbing my hands together. I pulled off my clothes revealing myself in a bikini. Martinus took off his clothes and he was wearing swim trunks.

I ran into the water and it was nice and warm. He joined me and threw me even farther in. "Martinus! You knew I didn't want my hair to get wet!" I complained.

"Then what's the point of swimming if your not gonna even get wet?" He asked while dunking under. I swam up behind him jumped on his back.

I kissed him on his cheek. He smiled and then pulled me off his back and he smashed our lips together. I giggled. I went under water and when I came back up.... Martinus was gone?

Where could he have gone? I looked around but still couldn't find him. Then I felt a pinch in my leg. I screamed so loud thinking it was a shark.

Martinus came out of the water laughing his his heart out. "Martinus! I almost had a heart attack!" I said while putting my hand to my chest.

He continued laughing and I splashed  water on him. We got out of the water and changed into some sweatshirts. We decided to take a picture for Instagram...

 We decided to take a picture for Instagram

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@Callista.Jenson in love with this
@Celia judging by your heart emojis I
          take it you rly love him😂
@Samantha.Dunnero ^😂
@loren soooo cuteeee❣️❣️❣️

We sat down at the beach together with his arm around me. I my head was leaning on his shoulder while we looked out into the water.

All of a sudden his phone buzzed. He pulled out his phone and smiled. "Who is it?" I asked while trying to see who it was.

"Oh! Nobody!" He said while chuckling at some text he got. I knew something was up and I can't stand it when people hide stuff from me. I pulled his phone out of his hand and started running.

When he was far behind I looked at the text he got. It was from a girl named Robyn and I started reading the text.

Robyn|| hey babe😘
                                       Martinus|| hey😘
Robyn|| so... wanna come over?
              Martinus|| I would but I'm rly busy rn I'll come over as soon as I can tho💓🔥
Robyn|| ok. Love u❤️🔥
Tears started to form in my eyes. Martinus caught up to me and started to catch his breath. He saw my pale face and had a worried look on his face. "What's wrong?" He asked as he reached for my hand but pulled away.

"What da fuck is wrong with you?!" He said. I whipped around and shoved his phone is face. "You fucking used me that's what!" I screamed.

"You used me to break up with Shelby so you could be with this girl and then I thought that kiss we had was real! But apparently it wasn't!" I screamed. He looked shocked.

"I'm sorry I messed up! Please you're the one I love please let me have one more chance!" He said I shoved my hand in his face.

"Bitch asking me for another chance is like asking Satan to live again! So don't waste your breathe on me waste it on some hoe! So have fun fuckboy!" I yelled while walking away.

"But before I go!" I yelled. I still had his phone in my hand so I threw it into the water. "Asshole!" I murmured. I walked away and then started to run.

I ran into my house and I saw Marcus and Samantha snuggling with Marcus on the couch watching a movie.

They looked up confused and concerned. I shook my head as tears filled my eyes. I ran to my room and slammed the door shut.

I locked the door and started pacing around. I shook my head. "He's not worth crying over!" I said to myself. I walked into the bathroom and changed and went to bed.

"I'm gonna deal with all this shit tomorrow and I'm gonna deal with that asshole later." I thought before I fell asleep.

Damnnn! Two post in a day!

Why love?(Sequel to What is love?)Where stories live. Discover now