Strange gas shit

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{Callista's POV}

I woke up and felt a heartbeat in my head. I clutched my forehead in pain and let out a groan.

I nurse came in with a cup of water and set it down on the table next to me. She walked away not seeming to notice that I was awake.

I tried to call out the name on her name tag but instead of her name it was a cough.

She whirled around and gasped, she ran over to my side and lifted the styrofoam cup up to my chap lips.

She poured the moist, refreshing liquid down my dry throat. Once the cup was finished she checked my pulse and all that jazz and left me alone in the room once again.

A doctor, male rather medium height his hair blonde with a bit of the salt and pepper look to it, his eyes were glued to the blue clipboard he was holding in his hand.

His gray pen scribbled across the paper and back again. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello Callista, my name is Dr. Gordy I will your doctor." He said. He sounded American not french so I just went along with it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked pulling a chair over to my hospital bed. I shrugged, "Not to good I guess," I groaned, "I feel like shit." I said. He chuckled.

My voice was so hoarse that it hurt terribly. "Can I have some water?" I asked. "I thought Nurse Abella already brought you water?" He said.

I shook my head knowing if I said she already did he wouldn't let me have anymore.

"Alright." He said while standing up. He was gone for about two minutes before coming back with a cup of water and coffee in his hand.

He handed me the water and I gulped it down while he took tiny sips of his black coffee.

Once I was finished I place it down on the table next to my bed. He handed me a pill to swallow and he said that it would help me with my headache.

I swallowed the chalky pill and began to sit up. "Can I see my family?" I said. He sat there for a moment and thought.

"Alright." He said. He placed down his coffee and walked out of the room.

He came back later with everyone I knew. I hugged everyone who came to see me and kissed my boyfriend, Connor on the cheek.

He gave me a confused and uncomfortable smile but I didn't mind. He was probably just uncomfortable with being in such a stuffy hospital.

Everyone started asking me random questions and shit that I couldn't answer. "Can I be alone with Connor for a bit?" I asked.

Everyone looked around and nodded and left me alone with Connor. "How you feeling Callista?" He asked while sitting down on the chair next to me.

"Alright. How bout you baby?" I asked. He scratched his neck. "Callista, we need to get somethings straight." He said. I nodded.

"I'm not your boyfriend," he said. I gave him a confused look. "Yes you are, we went on a date last week." I said slowly.

"No, that was Martinus." He said. Then all these memories of Martinus rushed through my head. I laid back down hand on my forehead.

"Are you alright?" Connor said worried. I shook my head. "I have a really bad headache, can you go get Dr. Gordy for me?" I groaned.

He nodded and rushed out of the room. Instead of coming back with Gordy he came back with Nurse Abella. Ew.

She rushed by my side and forced some gross, chalky pill down my throat that made me wanna throw up.

"She should be good now!" She said in her bitchy perky voice. I rolled my eyes and she finally left.

"I wanna go home!" I whined. Connor nodded his head. "I know you do, I wanna go home too," he said patting my hand.

Martinus walked in and I smiled remembering that he was with me not Connor.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Martinus asked. "Like shit." I laughed. He chuckled and sighed.

Connor looked at the both of us and left and I was kinda glad he did and kinda not glad that he did. Me and Martinus gazed into each other's eyes for a minute and then he started to talk.

"Do you remember anything?" He asked while taking a sit. "Besides the fact that you're my boyfriend than no." I said.

He smiled and then looked back up at me. "So what'd I miss when I was asleep?" I asked making myself comfortable.

"Nothing. Just me running out of Norway and flying here to see you that's all." He smiled. I chuckled and sighed, he reached out for my hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He kissed my cheek but I turned so he kissed my lips. I don't know how long we were kissing for but that was broken by a loud disturbing cough from across the hall.

"Ugh! Why do people never close the door!" I groaned. I stood up and grabbed the liquid shit that was attached to me and let it join the trip to the door.

"Callista you shouldn't be out of bed." He said. I rolled my eyes and shut the door and climbed back in bed.

"I'm in bed." I winked. He rolled his eyes and smiled. Abella came into the room and made me suck in some kinda gas that she said should help me.

"Aye! It's Martinus Gunnarsen!" I screamed after a few minutes of sucking in that bitter sweet gas.

"Hey!" He said while pushing me lightly back down on my bed cause I was sitting up.

"Nah baby, let me sit up, is all good!" I said giggling. "No, you should get some sleep." He whispered pushing me back down.

"Nahhh bish! Who dafuq do you think I am?! I got energy like a lion! Raw!" I yelled while standing up.

He picked me up and placed me back down on the bed and I giggled. "You're acting like you're drunk!" He said wide eyed. I pulled him down on top of me.

"I'm only drunk on love for you." I whispered sticking out my tongue. He backed away from my tongue. "That's sweet but-" he said before I cut him off.

"Wanna have sex?" I asked. His eyes widened in fear. "No, we're not ready for that!" He said scared.

"Well I am!," I said cheesily, "I'm beyond ready!" I said. He backed away and reached out for the door.

"Are you getting a condom?" I said as he opened the door. He shook his head. "No, I'm getting help."

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