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We walked into the room silently and they didn't notice us. They were still making out, like REALLY making out. I felt sick. I turned to Martinus and shook my head. His eyes widened at something but I didn't know what. He picked me up and ran me into the bathroom. He placed me down gently in the ground and shut the door. "Are you sure you're okay?! You look so pale!" He said while putting a hand on my forehead. "You're burning." He said while taking out a thermometer from the draw. I began to feel more sick. He placed it in my mouth. "101." He sighed. I felt like I was going to throw up. I ran to the toilet and lifted the seat up. I threw up into the toilet. He ran over behind me and held my hair up. "It's okay. Take deep breaths." He said calmly. Once I was done I started to cry. He hugged me tight while I cried into his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm here." He said while stroking my back. I smiled remembering him say those words to me when we were 14. "Thanks Tinus!" I said while wiping away my tears. "No problem Cali!" He said. He squeezed my hand.
{Martinus's POV}
We walked out of the bathroom and Marcus and Samantha were in the hall actually wearing clothes! They were both smirking at each other and then they saw us and there faces became worried. Samantha walked over and started to open her arms as if she was trying to hug her. "Get away from h-" I said before Callista stopped me. "It's okay Martinus. I can handle this." She said while she put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and she walked in front of me. "Puta!" She yelled while slapping her. "¿Qué demonios crees que estás haciendo?! Vendiéndose lejos?! ¡No puedes tener relaiones sexuales todavía!"(what the hell do you think you are doing? Selling yourself away?! You can't have sex yet!) she yelled. "Not on my watch!" She added. Me and Marcus raised an eyebrow. "Hva?" We both said. "Nothing it's in Spanish!" She said. "I'm sorry!" Samantha said while looking down at the ground. Callista did an angry sigh and stomped past her. She opened the door. "I'm going back to my dorm!" She yelled and then slammed the door shut. Samantha looked at Marcus and mouthed 'I'm gonna go now'. He nodded and she walked out. I looked at Marcus and he looked at me. "Two words," he said "fine ass!" He said. "Marcus! I don't need to know that shit!" I yelled while walking away. "But it is a nice ass though!" He said. "Well that's great Marcus! Congratulations you're a pervert!" I said sarcastically and giving him a thumbs up. "Don't deny that you think Callista has a nice ass too!" He said. "You checkin her out?!" I said. "No, but I know you think her ass is nice." He said. I shrugged. "Her ass is nice but at least I don't look at her boobs!" I said. Marcus shrugged.
{Samantha's POV}
I ran out of the room into our dorm. Me and Callista bursts out laughing. "I can't believe he fell for it!" I laughed so hard that I almost cried. "Me too!" She laughed. We fell on the floor dying of laughter. So I'll tell you the whole thing, since we know that Marcus and Martinus go the same college as us we contacted Emma. She's the only one who is not a piece of shit in that family. She told us that Marcus still has feelings about me but she didn't know if Martinus still has feelings for Callista. We decided to come up with a prank and make it seem like I still liked him. He fell for it and now thinks we're both into each other. It was hilarious! "Callista I have one question," I said. She nodded. "How did you make yourself throw up?" I asked. She shrugged. "I stuck my finger in the back of my throat while he wasn't looking." She said. I laughed. We walked outside very quietly and pressed our ears against the door. "She has a nice ass!" I heard Marcus exclaim. "Don't deny you think Callista has a nice ass too!" Marcus said again. I heard a pause. "She does have a nice ass." Martinus said. Callista fell to the floor and tried to laugh silently. I covered her mouth. "Shhhh! They'll hear us!" I giggled. She nodded and stood up. We pressed our ears against the door. "Hey! I got a text from that Alison girl I met earlier! She said she wants to hang out!" Martinus said. Callista raised an eyebrow and leaned closer to the door. "She wants to go see a movie!" He said. Callista leaned closer into the door. "I'll meet you at six!" He said out loud while he was texting. Callista leaned into the door even more. Her weight was pretty much all on the door. I heard the door start to creak. "She's really hot!" Martinus said. And just then Callista leaned in even more that the door swung open! The door slammed into the wall and Callista fell to the floor. "Callista!" I said while walking over to her. "Are you alright?!" I said, but before she could answer the boys were standing over me looking confused.

Why love?(Sequel to What is love?)Where stories live. Discover now