Bish who da fuq?

299 19 11

{Martinus's POV}

I ran into the airport and ran to over to the flight attendant and gave her my boarding my pass.

I fell asleep on the plane and I arrived in Paris in about 3 hours?

I took a taxi to the hospital that Samantha told me to go to and ran into the hospital.

I looked around frantically and saw Samantha sitting there talking to a doctor with tears streaming down her face.

"No she can't be gone!" I cried. The doctor left and Samantha waved me over. She gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

"Martinus I have news." She said calmly while wiping her tears away.

"I know. She's gone isn't she?" I sobbed. She shook her head. "No, she just came out of surgery." She said.

"Is she okay?!" I asked panicked. She shook her head. "They said she was kinda bad right condition right now since she just got out but I don't know." She said completely calm.

I don't know how she does it and she's known her longer than me but how the fuck is she soooo calm?!

Like honestly? I started hyperventilating and sweating. "Martinus are you okay?" She asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

Anger rose through me. Then I saw her come out of the ER. The were wheeling her out of there and she had tubes coming in and out of her body.

"Callista! I'm coming Callista!" I said starting to run. The nurses and doctors were slightly running pushing her down the hall.

Samantha grabbed my arm and tried to yank me back. "God you're strong!" She said. I practically started to drag her.

"Callista!" I yelled with hot tears streaming down my face. I felt a sharp pain slap me across my face.

I saw Samantha standing there frustrated while I clutched my cheek. "What the hell?!" I said.

"Stop acting like a fucking baby! I'll send you back to Norway if I really have to! Do you want her to get better?!" She asked folding her arms.

I nodded still rubbing my red cheek. "Then you better shut up and let her rest! She needs her strength and I get that you love her but you need to be there for her!" She said.

I nodded feeling guilty as a tear fell down my cheek. She brought me into a hug and patted my back.

The doctor walked towards us looking frustrated. Me and Samantha stiffened up.

The doctor took a deep breath and began. "Callista, is going to need to have another surgery," he started.

I raised an eyebrow. "Today?" Asked Samantha. He nodded. "We'll expecting her to go under in about..." he paused to check his watch.

"Two to three hours tops." He said. We looked at each other and nodded. "Alright." He walked away with his clipboard by his side and him in his green surgeon outfit, it frightened me.

"Well, you should go check into a hotel I'll stay here and wait for Callista to come out of surgery," Samantha spoke.

I gave her a look."Bish who da fack do you think I am?! I am not leaving I'll leave once I know she's okay," I said.

She rolled her eyes and sat down and I sat down next to her. "I'm gonna shut my eyes for a minute," she said.

I nodded while she got comfortable in her chair. I sat there for about two hours before the doctor came back out.

I nudged Samantha awake as he began speaking. "She will be going into surgery soon, but where are her parents? I would like them to be here?" He said while looking around.

"I don't know, I could give them a call." Samantha said while pulling out her phone. He nodded and then walked away.

She stepped outside for a minute and I just sat there. I began to feel very impatient so I walked outside too.

"Samantha where are-" I yelled while looking around. She was sitting down on a bench legs cris crossed and a phone to her ear. She was sobbing.

"Please don't do it! She's gonna be fine I promise! Remember what I told you, if you ever want to hurt someone hurt me not your kids! You want to be with them again and have them think that you love them, right?" She said into the phone pausing for an answer.

"Then don't hurt any of your kids and like I said if you kill me then we'll just say I was captured and killed or I committed suicided," she said.

She nodded and then hug up the phone. I knew what she was talking about. Callista's parents never really loved her or her siblings they just wanted money, that's all they ever wanted.

And the sad part was Samantha was willing to help. She said that they could abuse her so it seemed like they were back to normal, when they were still those old crusty hags that abuse children. It made me sick.

I walked behind Samantha and stood there listening to her cry. I tapped her on the shoulder and she spun around quickly and stood up.

Her eye looked red and swollen, like she was punched. Her sleeves seemed longer than last time.

She spun around so fast that it took me a second to realize,

She was holding a gun and it was pointing right at me.

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